Example sentences of "[verb] when i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Switchboard is still almost as white dominated as it was male dominated when I joined .
2 Stafford , who lost in the semi-finals at Beckenham last week to British number four Chris Bailey , said : ‘ I had a feeling I would win when I woke up .
3 Some of the brothers were busy in the scriptorium but I was greeted courteously and no one objected when I began to leaf through the manuscript Southgate had left upon the table .
4 No , Olive that used to work when I worked for Laura Ashley 's
5 She stared at the rim of her cup and said tonelessly , ‘ As you 'll have gathered , I was — devastated when I heard Elise had died .
6 ‘ Yes , I nearly choked laughing when I heard you were doing a breakfast show .
7 She were laughing when I showed her that letter I got , cos she got one the same morning , , she said , and it said , and you can go round and talk to him .
8 During the next year I completed my book , and all our hearts rose when I received a request from Mr William Ross 's office to see the manuscript .
9 you , you sh you shook you head when I said Alwyn had made a loss .
10 God knows I tried when I realised what was happening to us , although it was like a starving man walking away from food for me .
11 But why did people snigger when I told them what my father did ?
12 ‘ Even I gave a half cheer when I heard that , ’ declares Pamela .
13 I went to talk to RELATE when I had problems with my own marriage .
14 Yeah mm a bit like I say when I went to that dentist surgery at er Leicester
15 No. 4 Commando positions were being heavily mortared when I arrived , and Jock , my friend of many years ago , took me off to find some shelter in a dug-out , giving at least some protection from the flying shrapnel .
16 But what I found when I went was I had to go through the psychiatrist to find this group cos it was n't available .
17 I found when I got involved in my relationship with Angus in 1970 there was a real sort of tension .
18 The only thing that was quite extraordinary was what I found when I got as far as the back premises .
19 As I found when I took the time to listen to parents and hear what they said , the views advanced did not always fit the latest fashion or an approved passage in a book on sociology .
20 What I found when I looked at this problem over the course of ten years was that this complexity , like responsibility time span , also occurs in leaps or jumps .
21 But I found when I looked at my books a week ago , or a fortnight ago , I thought , oh I know this , I know this , but it 's not until you get into it that you think shit !
22 And as far as in the appraisals I mean I found when I did the three s part staff and , and I was , it was that pilot and , and I know
23 ‘ There 's a fantastic-looking man called Rob English whom I found when I trod on his toe in a shop in Brighton , ’ says Sarah .
24 While I was afflicted with serious English composition and English literature , I was reading Scott , Fenimore Cooper , Henty , and the travellers , because I loved them ; I was also thinking and talking in a manner which owed little to those dignified exercises , though the day was to come when I spoke very much as I wrote …
25 Faldo conceded the French and Belgian Opens when victory seemed a formality and he bristled when I questioned these fallibilities during his march to triumph in the European Open at Sunningdale .
26 But we all change , and I changed when I saw you .
27 JH : Something that Frans Brüggen mentioned when I met him recently [ see JH 's interview , CDR 9/91 — Ed. ] was the still prevalent post-Paganini reversal of performing interest , whereby the difficult appears effortless , and the facile of monumental significance .
28 I began to laugh but stopped when I saw my uncle 's white face .
29 He stopped when I approached , stared at me implacably with his yellow eyes .
30 I was shattered when I met you last .
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