Example sentences of "[verb] out what be " in BNC.

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1 The scanner camera had picked out what was almost a straight line of four unusual things .
2 Please contact your nearest regional office to find out what is going on in your area .
3 This can not be done from behind a desk as it requires direct observation of the operation , sometimes for an extended period , to find out what is actually done on site as well as what should be done .
4 We can set up situations — as noted by John Webster — in which we try to find out what is important to the animal by looking at what it prefers and trying to assess how much it will work for something ; how important that particular resource is to the animal .
5 This computer will include information gathered by area constables whose job is to : ‘ secure the service of at least one observer in every street , not a paid professional informant , but someone who knows the inhabitants and is inquisitive enough to find out what is going on and will pass on information . ’
6 Anglian Water Open Days provide a rare opportunity to find out what is really involved in treating and supplying safe , clean water and in cleaning waste water for its return to the environment .
7 If you want to find out what is available in your area , ask the social services department or your local health visitor .
8 Whenever someone undertakes interesting experiments or activities on the air it is open to other operators around the world to find out what is happening , join in , and make some contribution themselves .
9 John looked at his watch , ‘ Come on Mary , we can go on for another ten minutes and I 'd like to find out what is around that bend . ’
10 The child needs the opportunity to find out what is an acceptable demand that might be met .
11 Rugby World & Post will be better off by ceasing to ululate on the supposed demise of John Gallagher at Leeds and simply grant him an interview instead — I ca n't be the only admirer of this great All Black fullback to want to find out what is really going on .
12 It is attempting to find out what is causing the mix , indicating it does not have its fingers on the distribution pulse because of its two-tiered channel .
13 If you are not already an active Supporter , contact your local branch to find out what is being organised in your area .
14 Some sociologists argue that another way to find out what is actually happening in the NHS is to observe people at work and talk to them .
15 Women in the community need to find out what is possible for us as a prerequisite to identifying what is not available and what we would like to see .
16 They get to find out what is going on in the local employment scene .
17 To find out what is distinctive about the style of a certain corpus or text we work out the frequencies of the features it contains and then measure these figures against equivalent figures which are " normal " for the language in question.The style is then to be measured in terms of deviations — either higher frequencies or lower frequencies — from the norm .
18 No dealer operates a guarantee on fish , but it is in everyone 's interests ( not least or just the goodwill factor ) to find out what is wrong .
19 People should visit Docklands to find out what is going on inside , and to also check out what Docklands has to offer .
20 The object of the research is to enable the organization to find out what is going on in the market-place , and to evaluate the impact on customers , competitors and others , of the organization 's own marketing activities .
21 I would be most grateful if you would make some inquiries to find out what is preventing DGXI from responding courteously to our invitations ?
22 Firstly , it should be possible to find out what is already known from the local Sites and Monuments Record or Royal Commission for Historical Monuments/Ordnance Survey records .
23 Whatever happens work slowly and if the board jams try to find out what is holding it or stopping it moving rather than just forcing it !
24 We can not expect to arrive at consensus easily — there are a lot of things which may not seem to fit at all — but we can at least want to find out what is in common before worrying about what appears to contradict .
25 Hospital advertising is popular and getting ever more sophisticated so you need to find out what is on offer and who is using it .
26 They tend to ask questions in t in an attempt to find out what is going on .
27 He wo n't keep have to be going off to court to find out what is the law at that moment of time .
28 The first step in the process of selecting software is to find out what is available .
29 ‘ The new association will provide , for the first time , the opportunity for people from throughout Scotland to find out what is going on elsewhere , ’ she said .
30 You wo n't keep have to be going off to court to find out what is the law at that moment of time .
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