Example sentences of "[verb] out to [art] " in BNC.

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1 And the personal and loving Father , the almighty and awesome Yahweh , bows out to the god of Aristotle : the impersonal first cause in a chain of scientific causation — the ‘ unmoveable mover ’ .
2 It is more a wide bay with mostly low foreshores , opening out to the north-east into the Barents Sea .
3 In her desperation she had been on the point of walking out to the Lock but there was no need to do that now .
4 We were taken the few miles out to Wyton by RAF transport and in a short time , smiling falsely at each other and with our cumbersome parachutes bumping round our legs , we found ourselves walking out to the plane for our first flight .
5 Louis , walking out to the long black car , was a sack of tears .
6 But Jessamy still kept going , picking up her drawing materials and then walking out to the car .
7 In lessons all day , he bounded out to a school meeting immediately afterwards .
8 The expressive order , it is argued , has become the message itself , with ‘ back ’ emotions exploding out to the ‘ front ’ .
9 Robertson did not hesitate , and dived overboard and swam out to the dinghy which he succeeded in getting back to the fishing boat for the crew to get off .
10 Then the minister deigned to appear and defended himself by saying he had once come out to a stranger who called , but the man proved to be ‘ a little worth person ’ .
11 ‘ And six thousand people have come out to the meetings . ’
12 His wife had come out to the island on his first posting and , before she decided to return to London , she had bought the bungalow and furnished it .
13 The peasants , having just come out to the fields , turn back , uttering loud cries .
14 ‘ And have now come out to the barn to convince me of it ?
15 Not so many spectators had trudged out to the furthest holes along the seashore .
16 Just imagine what a seven foot gauge ‘ King ’ or ‘ Castle ’ , built out to the full loading gauge , could have achieved or what speeds modern diesel and electric seven foot trains might attain !
17 ‘ But they must try to get themselves sorted out to the extent they have at least a working relationship .
18 Sadly Mr 's proposal fell on a technicality , but I think he put his finger on something which I felt the assembly was , was responding to , that we are not finished with this issue and although it fell on a technicality about money , perhaps without making any addendums and motions we might er refuse this addendum and keep our minds on the baptism issue and hope that the Board of Practice and Procedure and the panel on doctrine will pick up the substance and the , the essence of what Mr was asking for and pursue this matter until as a church we can get it sorted out to the satisfaction of all the groups within the church .
19 No need to dash out to the Chinese takeaway — if you keep an Oriental corner of the cupboard you can create your own instant stir- fries .
20 Following the end of cloth-making , the mill buildings were let out to a number of tenants , providing some employment .
21 When they returned , the Burtons , who had been sharing the Simmons — Granger household , moved out to a minute bungalow which they rented from the James Masons .
22 When the power rear doors opened , the men moved out to the left and right of their vehicles , into their battle positions , and began to shoot at the enemy .
23 The once prosperous and profitable industries of West Berlin have declined as young adults moved out to the West proper in droves .
24 Gazza moved out to the villa in July to acclimatise before the football season kicked off .
25 IN THE EARLY 1970s , my wife and I moved out to the northern beaches of Sydney .
26 Men in regular employment found their real wages rising and many families moved out to the new housing estates , where evidence rapidly came to light of female depression arising primarily from physical isolation .
27 It was no coincidence that Hibs were at their most dangerous after Evans had replaced Lennon and Weir moved out to the right wing .
28 She 's engaging brain it takes her some time to come out to the phone instruct the whole thing .
29 It is a large , friendly and comfortable Georgian building with a delightful landscaped garden which looks out to a paddock , and some thick wooded hills beyond .
30 The dining room has a thirty foot wall of glass which enables guests to view the attractive landscaped garden and which looks out to a small patio for guests to enjoy in the summer .
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