Example sentences of "[verb] out at [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Lord Halifax and the other grand residents got us booted out at last .
2 It is not advisable to give the dog free run of the car , however , simply because it could damage the interior , by scratching the upholstery , for example , if it wants to come out at first light before you are awake .
3 This enables the Bureau to find out at first hand how authorities are tackling the issue and what they need form the centre .
4 They came out at last and Haile Selassie went forward under a crimson canopy to show himself to his people .
5 ‘ You know my position , ’ he broke out at last .
6 As he released her hand and slid his fingers through her hair , drawing her unresisting head towards him , she reached out at last to touch the dark curls at his ear .
7 The action had been struck out at first instance , an appeal to the Court of Appeal had failed but a petition for leave to appeal to the House of Lords was still pending .
8 No , I bottled out at last minute .
9 The truth can come out at last . ’
10 It appears to me therefore that if a man diligently followed this desire , pursuing the false objects until their falsity appeared and then resolutely abandoning them , he must come out at last into the clear knowledge that the human soul was made to enjoy some object that is never fully given — nay , can not even be imagined as given — in our present mode of subjective and spatio-temporal experience .
11 ‘ But — but , ’ Heather burst out at last , ‘ there must be somewhere , Trusty .
12 The guttering blue-yellow flame within the shattered shell of the car was snuffed out at last by the rain and the storm-wind .
13 Let the baby suck regularly — even if nothing comes out at first — and the milk should start coming through again .
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