Example sentences of "[verb] out to a " in BNC.

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1 In lessons all day , he bounded out to a school meeting immediately afterwards .
2 Then the minister deigned to appear and defended himself by saying he had once come out to a stranger who called , but the man proved to be ‘ a little worth person ’ .
3 Following the end of cloth-making , the mill buildings were let out to a number of tenants , providing some employment .
4 When they returned , the Burtons , who had been sharing the Simmons — Granger household , moved out to a minute bungalow which they rented from the James Masons .
5 It is a large , friendly and comfortable Georgian building with a delightful landscaped garden which looks out to a paddock , and some thick wooded hills beyond .
6 The dining room has a thirty foot wall of glass which enables guests to view the attractive landscaped garden and which looks out to a small patio for guests to enjoy in the summer .
7 ‘ We are not playing kick and rush , ’ he insisted when driving out to a friend 's hotel in the Derwent Valley below Consett , pausing now and then to savour the uncluttered Durham landscape , his heart for ever in the North-east of England .
8 A further point is that there is no need to rely on the right unless the decompilation is carried out to a substantial part of the original program ( there is no infringement to excuse otherwise ) .
9 REPAIRS have been carried out to a 40ft long roof of a village canoe store which blew off after just a few weeks in place .
10 The battle of words in a takeover bid for an engineering firm is hotting up — with shareholders being asked not to sell out to a cheap offer .
11 Being Ireland , they ended up by eating three teas , then roared out to a singing pub in Howth , then went for a major curry before returning for a ‘ little party ’ in a student house .
12 He looked at her , and she saw him come erect , the magical mechanism of the male penis , lifting and filling out to a great rod the colour of a dull sunset .
13 Contrary to speculation , the house has not been lent out to a public exhibition since 1925 , but remains where it was designed to stand , the only completely untouched Lutyens house in existence , a permanent record of a way of life between the wars .
14 They drove out to a delightful restaurant , and Alyssia made a pig of herself .
15 He had recently moved out to a house in the suburbs , and he sublet the house to us for the remaining three months on his lease .
16 I cycled out to a completely deserted field , with the trenching left open , as the farmer kindly filled-in every year with a machine .
17 The debate is a profound one and it is only just beginning to reach out to a wider audience .
18 Break out to a VMS editor from within LIFESPAN ( PF1/1 ) and edit the file .
19 The field which the path has to cross is owned by Wimpey and let out to a tenant farmer .
20 The sight of the brigade turning out to a call , pulled by magnificent black horses , drew every child within half a mile of the Works main gates when the warning hooter sounded .
21 It must be recognised , however , that as long as the binding of most serial parts is — as at present — contracted out to a commercial bindery , delays incurred in the processing of such items between their leaving the Library and subsequently returning to it , will remain outwith the Library 's control .
22 At about six o'clock , I heard Dad going out to a meeting and presently Mum appeared with some food , but insisted I was to stay in my prison till morning .
23 Underarm deodorant to make us smell nice when we 're going out to a party ?
24 Minny : one day when I 'd been gushing about her dress when she was going out to a dance .
25 Yes she said we 're going out to a dinner party tonight , I thought golly
26 What , like you 're going out to a pool
27 She was going out to a party , I got a bucket of water , threw it over her head !
28 She was going out to a party .
29 After his initial gaffe that McQueen should own books , Johnson opened out to a man of culture , a man who understood his own problems and who had thought a way through them to a solution , however sad emigration might prove .
30 ‘ This sort of thing can actually work out to a station 's ultimate advantage if handled correctly , which it has been , since you 've shown us to be flexible and public-spirited .
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