Example sentences of "[verb] out [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Nothing , though , could have clouded out completely the romance of David Gower 's successful return to the fold after 17 months in the wilderness .
2 The sooner this is sorted out then the sooner we can go our separate ways . ’
3 Despite his remark that ‘ The superego seems to have made a one-sided choice and to have picked out only the parents ’ strictness and severity , their prohibiting and punitive function , whereas their loving care seems not to have been taken over and maintained , ’ he states elsewhere that ‘ The superego fulfils the same function of protecting and saving that was fulfilled in earlier days by the father . ’
4 So she 's trying to find out well the ones these are all one that Kerry suggested .
5 I think it enables the young people that have been coming to those meetings to find out too the problems that Councillors and Local Authorities have in actually trying to carry out the sort of things they want .
6 I think it enables young , the young people that have been coming to those meetings to find out too the problems that councillors have and local authorities have , in actually trying to carry out the sorts of things they want .
7 But you see this is what they want to find out now the dialect 's changed in
8 The aim can not be the correct unaided spelling of any English — there are too many words in English that can catch out even the best speller .
9 In the mouths of such harbours and rivers there are some very strong tidal currents that can catch out even the most skilful of sailors .
10 In his discussion of the decay of English myth , he holds out only the slender hope of the music hall and laments that in general modern dramatists and probably modern audiences are ‘ terrified of the myth ’ .
11 proposed that we should in effect give the money to erm a non county body involved in this , to allocate , to work out both the basis of the allocation and the allocation funds in this order , we think that 's inappropriate , If we 're putting up money then we should also have the responsibility for allocating them among a until the done and the done , so I 'm at all , or whether our council or something to be set up in the future should have equal control of that , that money .
12 IT would be , presumably , rewarding to work out exactly the implications of the names of the four characters who figure in Philip Ridley 's play .
13 It took several weeks before the new trader was able to work out roughly the quantities he needed each morning to satisfy his customers ' needs , and still longer to realise that those needs would vary from day to day
14 The point of s 2(3) is to spell out clearly the restrictions on the operation of the doctrine .
15 We are now in a position to spell out precisely the basic form of the recurrent contrast test for semantic constituency :
16 It fully bears out both the disquiet expressed in the working party 's Report , and quoted above ; and the CDA 's dissociation of its policies from those in pursuit of which the three cases in question were projected into disaster .
17 Mary Finnigan : It was at this time , when David flew out to Malta , then not only were we organising the Arts Lab but a free open air festival in Beckenham , David , having flown out to the Maltese song festival had sent Angie a postcard saying something to the effect that he was going to be in Italy and why did n't Angie come and join him , which she did , leaving me to sort out both the folk club and the free festival organised for Beckenham Park the following Sunday . ’
18 In one of these movements , the duet and chorus ‘ Hymen , appear ! ’ towards the end of Act 5 , he began by writing out only the chorus soprano part and the two solo soprano parts that alternate with the chorus .
19 He could munch his tuna fish sandwich , lapse into reverie and cut out both the music of Soul II Soul wafting through the window and the endless , fragmented tales of classroom woes exchanged obsessively between the other staff .
20 They did it laughingly , but they did it ; so that cut out forever the grace that says , what we are about to receive , so he only gives thanks when he 's got it down . ’
21 Of course , I regret those job losses , but the hon. Gentleman has surely seen the article in The Independent on Sunday a week last Sunday which spelt out clearly the devastating consequences on jobs in the retail trade of his proposal for a national statutory minimum wage .
22 When baking a cake , manufacturers of cake-mixes were told , women were acting out symbolically the birth of a child ( not for nothing was the vulgar phrase for pregnancy a ‘ bun in the oven ’ ) .
23 If a faculty , or department , or a certain special group of students is missed out then the sample itself has not been drawn from the correct population .
24 The broad native roads made as straight as possible for their mark , like the roads of the Romans , seem to pick out preferentially the highest and steepest hills , which they ascend perpendicularly and without compromise .
25 Thus , our next task here it to pick out briefly the relevant parts of our analysis of the social distribution of innovatory realizations of /a/ and /Ε/,; as identified in section 4.6 .
26 The role of books such as this and instructors beyond a basic level is to set out clearly the aims for learning .
27 In all cases , after stating the purpose of the report , the head teacher needs to set out clearly the decision he or she would advise the governors to take .
28 These documents were intended to set out clearly the basis on which services would be provided to a customer , to inform him of his rights and to give him the opportunity of allowing or prohibiting certain types of transactions such as off-exchange transactions , borrowings on his behalf and illiquid investments .
29 Before expressing my views about the remaining issues , I think it helpful to set out shortly the general principles of law which are applicable to the Secretary of State 's decision-making process .
30 We have stressed the need to set out explicitly the assumptions made about the information available to decision-makers .
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