Example sentences of "[verb] up with he " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , I would n't get mixed up with him if I were you . ’
2 We do n't want to get mixed up with him . ’
3 The puzzling thing to me is how a man like Stavanger ever came to be mixed up with him . "
4 Oh , its a pity you ever got mixed up with him .
5 Of all the people you do not want to get mixed up with he is the first and the last .
6 The only trouble with Murray was keeping up with him .
7 Her bosom rose and fell ; she was out of breath from keeping up with him .
8 His flock has no hope of keeping up with him .
9 After the death of her husband , and surviving the destruction of her only means home , the woman had difficulties keeping up with him .
10 ’ I said , keeping up with him stride for stride as he continued on towards the bus stop .
11 They caught up with him a mile or so away at the Plough Inn .
12 Anyway , I eventually caught up with him in Irkutsk which is central Siberia .
13 Morton caught up with him at the crossroads .
14 He could of course have taken the easy option and given himself up , or laid up along the coast somewhere until the advancing Eighth Army caught up with him .
15 When I finally caught up with him at Crazy Joe 's Plantation Village , he was in a resigned mood .
16 He plunged for the side , but with three swift strokes Nails caught up with him and collared him round the neck .
17 The 33-year-old proprietor of Alton Electrical was resting at home at Lime Grove , Alton , when we caught up with him .
18 Eventually the law caught up with him and he was heavily fined for caging protected species .
19 I caught up with him at his villa just outside Salzburg , which overlooks a small vineyard , set against an imposing mountainous backdrop .
20 I caught up with him .
21 Macaulay Culkin is wonderful — I like him a lot — but I did get frightened at the bit when he slipped over on the ice and the bad men caught up with him .
22 When police caught up with him , they found the 27-year-old living in two realities .
23 Snatching at his gears , Hunt missed , Jody caught up with him and blew past .
24 He turned , waiting until we caught up with him .
25 When she caught up with him the bombshell came .
26 The king 's messenger caught up with him at Piacenza and they went together as far as Lyons .
27 Last week the questions caught up with him .
28 Grey with exertion , Estabrook caught up with him .
29 He was sprinting for dear life across a carrot patch and doing quite well until one of the pieces caught up with him .
30 Francis caught up with him .
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