Example sentences of "[verb] up [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Anna is a Russian poet , visiting London to drum up signatures for a petition protesting against her brother 's imprisonment in the Soviet Union .
2 Many councillors take the view that it is easy to drum up names for a petition although you may have more impact if , say , the petition is restricted to immediate neighbours of the development .
3 Opening up possibilities for interpreting experience
4 Still being distributed throughout the UK and abroad , Networking International has been a real source of information as well as opening up opportunities for women artists .
5 In other words she herself is opening up avenues for all sorts of intuitive meanings .
6 In 1628 , now established as chief minister , he drew up proposals for the systematic preservation of official papers of all kinds , including those relating to foreign affairs ; but nothing came of this .
7 The family drew up plans for the four-bedroom house after their previous home on the same site in the village of Meopham , Kent , was destroyed by fire .
8 As well as his authorship of many books he drew up plans for the House of Correction at Maidstone , was elected to the Rochester Bridge Corporation , a deputy Alienations officer , deputy Keeper of the Rolls , President of Cobham College and , a few months before his death , Keeper of the records in the Tower of London .
9 NATO ministers promised humanitarian aid , and drew up guidelines for recognising the independence of the former Soviet republics .
10 I 'd been banging up dikes for a couple of years when smack came on the scene and I just sort of carried on as I had been doing , y'know , with the smack instead of the dike .
12 He never darkened its doors , but he thought it was the proper place for weddings and christenings and funerals , and he was always prepared to rig up lights for the annual parish nativity play , with a dimming spotlight to beam sentimentally on the Virgin Mary .
13 The reader interprets this as " the echo died away " , but is aware that the sound has conjured up birds for the people .
14 By totting up numbers for one group of estates , adding a notional 22 per cent for unrecorded children under twelve , and a further 25 per cent for other omissions , and then multiplying these for the whole of France , Lot calculated a population for Charles the Bald 's kingdom of 26 million .
15 Led by a man named William Shorter , the gang had begun as a small group of poachers , their nickname derived from their dark clothing and blacked up faces for nocturnal raids in the forest .
16 For around £20 each we enjoyed the simple pleasures of being able to dance the Gay Gordons round a bonfire at midnight , vomit into a loch instead of on to a pavement , and stumble up hills for the remainder of the week walking off hangovers .
17 Dick or Doug Graham originated from Corby in Northampton and , even as a young lad , was soon picking up honours for his performances as a goalkeeper .
18 I did little bits to help , like picking up sticks for firewood and fetching water from the well , as we did n't have any electricity or running water .
19 Could we have a board game called The Yorkshire Ripper where you throw dice to travel around the red-light areas of Yorkshire picking up points for prostitutes encountered on the way ?
20 One of the interesting things about my reminiscing is that it stirred up memories for a lot of other people , too .
21 The two boys then spent the rest of the day helping beaters send up birds for the guns .
22 Looking up charges for a cricket net or a tennis court per hour yielded high success rates ( around 80 per cent for each of the bottom two bands and around 90 per cent for the top band ) .
23 I started by looking up quotes for characters to say , and found myself reading four or five pages , until I found myself reading the Bible and only the Bible for quite a long time .
24 And yet — so ran her disjointed thoughts — had n't one always been taught that Christmas was the time when one should give up things for other people ?
25 First it 'll stop off at Brize Norton to pick up supplies for the Tornadoes operating the air exclusion zone .
26 In several respects , though , the fate of Black Fury had confirmed basic Warner Bros notions and they continued to pick up ideas for movies from the daily papers , they went on believing that social melodrama could be profitable , and they had been given further evidence that Muni could win acclaim by projecting himself as a hard-done-by but eventually triumphant saint .
27 They thought that it might be excusable to exploit situations to promote the individual MP 's career within his own party or to look after constituency interests , but it was quite inexcusable to open up opportunities for the Opposition to criticize the government .
28 Not that that was the end of it — NCR had simply had to open up opportunities for people lower down the ladder to develop , backed up by formal systems of career planning , appraisal and psychometric testing to mine the required resource .
29 In fact , it was the extra revenue she brought in at the baby end that enabled the charity to open up units for cervical cancer , and fund other research into unappealing but equally vital conditions .
30 So the writing and the record making process are inseparable in a way , but the way I work certainly seems to open up possibilities for discovery . ’
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