Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Comrade Li , who did the interpreting for us , got a bit mixed up with his vegetables and statistics , but was good-humouredly prompted by the others .
2 And do n't get mixed up between his act , and the feelings you have as a result of his act .
3 He had guessed that this place was a palace to her , and she wondered suddenly if she was a complete fool even to consider getting mixed up in his world , when it was so far removed from her own .
4 Sir Formal Trifle is a melancholy , po-faced rhetorician who will never use one short word if he can get his tongue round 50 long ones , while Sir Samuel Hearty hilariously lives up to his name .
5 International : The Comeback Kid lives up to his name again
6 Whether he lives up to his promise as a future Tory leader may depend on his success in one of the hair shirt Government posts .
7 And in the flesh he lives up to his image — at 58 he 's lean and fit , and with his tanned face and hallmark beard , he looks every bit the outdoor adventurer .
8 He loves to devour huge meals — washed down with Chianti wine — which are rustled up by his wife Teresa , played by Pennies From Heaven star Gemma Craven .
9 The party still had to cross Loch Arkaig by boat to meet up with his security men who were waiting with a Range Rover , and were clearly becoming worried .
10 Once there he intend to meet up with his brother and discuss future plans for their respective SAS regiments .
11 Ian Woosnam had to dash thousands of miles around the world to meet up with his team-mates at The Belfry .
12 Walls of red brick rose up on his left like sheer cliffs .
13 His dreams had come back after many nights which had seemed as empty as death , dreams of walking between high hedges , it was daylight on the other side of them but gloaming where he was and thick earth rose up to his knees , to his waist , stopping him , he tried to open his mouth but his jaw-bones jammed , he was choking …
14 But his hands were trembling as he put them back in his pockets , and a thick feeling rose up in his throat whenever he thought of Helen , which seemed to be nearly all the time .
15 And when they were in the field , Cain rose up against his brother Abel , and killed him .
16 As he drew up outside his own apartment , he shut off the engine and sat there , thinking through to the future .
17 Half an hour later he reached the rutted track and began to struggle up on his bike .
18 Someone who most certainly will not be having trouble keeping up with his mortgage repayments is Lord Hanson , chairman of the industrial conglomerate Hanson .
19 ( 27 November 1777 ) Among his complaints were that Mozart and his mother had stayed too long in Munich and Augsburg using up their money on lodging expenses without having any means of earning money , that Mozart was not keeping him fully apprised of exactly where his plans lay , how he was proposing to get from one place to another and by which route and when , that he was not keeping up with his composition , nor arranging to have existing works copied so that he could present them to an influential Prince or noble , and that he had not taken the right sorts of composition with him — too many symphonies and not enough church music .
20 Unlike Jack Kettlewell , his sexual desire increased when he was out of work and his wife had difficulty in keeping up with his need .
21 Jamie is half dressed , one knee bent up towards his stomach .
22 does have the right to stand up on his hind legs again .
23 If a chap had n't the guts to stand up for his own beastliness where was he ?
24 Reynolds was a notable conversationalist , well able to stand up to his friends , who included Samuel Johnson and Edmund Burke .
25 Many a teenager has been drawn into behaviour he would rather have avoided simply because he finds himself unable to stand up to his peers or to be the one who is ‘ different ’ .
26 His only concern at that time was whether his marriage was going to be able to stand up to his time in jail .
27 The unimaginable heat and weight of Fenna had pressed the ooze in the cave , pressed so hotly and heavily that the molecules of mud were squeezed apart , breaking up into carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms , and his weight had compressed the carbon atoms into diamond crystals , and more and more diamonds until his hoard was a lure to garish youths , who had toiled up to his cave and exchanged riddles and blows with him , but when he had fixed them with his ancient evil little eyes , they retreated abashed to sing his praises .
28 Masklin stopped while his brain caught up with his mouth .
29 My eyes stayed on his wrists , and moved up to his starched cuffs , somehow more noticeable than all that gold , or gold paint in the case of the watch .
30 And yes , yes , his hand moved up towards his eye .
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