Example sentences of "[verb] as [subord] it " in BNC.

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1 But if the child is never born alive , things will remain as if it had never existed .
2 Almost all her errors here were regularisations : for example , she read have as if it rhymed with ‘ cave ’ , lose as if it rhymed with ‘ hose ’ , own as if it rhymed with ‘ down ’ , and steak as if it rhymed with ‘ beak ’ .
3 It was disguised as if it were some form of regional assistance , whereas it was bailing out uneconomic , old industries which ought to have been modernised .
4 This type of noise is often from a diff and travels down the tubular propshaft to sound as if it comes from the gearbox and gets louder as the roadspeed increases .
5 ‘ A young friend of ours , ’ I said , trying to sound as if it was the most natural thing in the world that we should be sitting here , holding hands .
6 I asked , trying not to sound as if it were a matter of life and death .
7 Claudia said , trying to sound as if it were of no real interest to her .
8 For Jane , that slice of life evaporated as if it had never existed .
9 As regards Goody 's sharp distinction between oral and literate cultures , it demonstrates not only that the social reality does not correspond to this ‘ great divide ’ but also that developing a model which enables one to proceed as if it did so is not the only or most fruitful way of proceeding .
10 The position of the litigant who wrongly brings a case under Order 53 is different because Ord. 53 r. 9(5) may allow the case to continue as if it had been started by ordinary writ procedure .
11 Eat as if it were poison . ’
12 The fact is , however , that some of the behaviour of electromagnetic radiation is best explained as if it were a stream of photons ; and some of the properties are best explained as if it consisted of a series of waves .
13 The fact is , however , that some of the behaviour of electromagnetic radiation is best explained as if it were a stream of photons ; and some of the properties are best explained as if it consisted of a series of waves .
14 ‘ He 's a manager , your dad , is n't he ? ’ asked Jamie Shepherd a few minutes later as they bounced round a corner with the old van rattling as if it was going to shake itself to bits at any moment .
15 Each of the 30 rooms is arranged as if it were still in use — the Little Drawing Room was designed by Robert Adam with gilded mouldings and intricate wall paintings .
16 It was made more so by the billing he got as if it was the Second Coming or something and he was going to be a wonder player .
17 The effect of a decree of nullity , broadly speaking , is that the marriage is treated as if it had never existed .
18 This means that food ‘ exported ’ ' to the Vatican ( from a Roman abattoir , say ) is treated as if it were going to a ‘ third country ’ .
19 In the event of your death before the date of maturity your TESSA will be treated as if it had matured at the date of death and gross interest will be paid up to and including that date .
20 This gives no action to Titius , but the SC allows it to be treated as if it read fidei tuae committo ut Titio hereditatem restituas .
21 We have , therefore , treated as if it were an artificial variable .
22 On appeal by the Crown , it was found that the Lord Ordinary had failed to give proper weight to Taxes Management Act 1970 , in particular that interest on overdue tax was to be treated as if it were tax charged and due and payable under the assessment to which it related .
23 Where religion is reduced to either , and treated as if it were simply a form of knowing or a form of doing , it is lost to sight altogether .
24 The base contains about nine Snotlings but is treated as if it were a single large monster with several wounds and attacks .
25 This means that a premium paid during a tax year is treated as if it had been paid during the previous tax year ; or the tax year before that , if there were no relevant earnings in the previous year .
26 Each controversial assertion is treated as if it were being made for the first time .
27 The first is where it is set aside , in which case it is treated as if it had never existed .
28 They were particularly anxious to avoid having ‘ topic ’ , in discourse study , treated as if it were somehow expressible by a simple noun phrase , as often happens in the treatment of sentential topics .
29 For the UK this means that the run-down of many sectors of manufacturing is treated as if it is unconnected with the policies of successive UK governments , with the qualities of management and the character of British trade unionism .
30 It is not to be treated as if it were a statutory definition .
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