Example sentences of "[verb] so that it " in BNC.

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1 That chimney turned out to be the only delicate part of the building and scaffolding had to be erected so that it could be rebuilt .
2 At the same time , the mind must be in readiness for new ways of seeing so that it is already poised for the marvellous and even the illogical .
3 But then why did n't the plant evolve so that it no longer attracted that insect ?
4 And since that state of stability had been calculated so that it would not commence deterioration until the next inspection had been completed , Rostov had delegated command of the bridge to Yuan , and had elected to watch the performance of his technical officers at close quarters .
5 They have an ingenious device called a " lens ' , whose shape appears to be mathematically calculated so that it bends these silent rays in such a way that there is an exact one-to-one mapping between objects in the world and an " image " on a sheet of cells called the " retina " .
6 Subsequently , the statement of claim was amended so that it was restricted to the tax assessment under s 488 , TA 1970 .
7 Ideally , this provision should be deleted , or at the very least it should be amended so that it applies only to the consent of a mortgagee or superior landlord actually required under the terms of an existing mortgage or superior lease .
8 Yet such a demand must be clearly formulated so that it challenges the stereotypes of women 's role .
9 The Chinese also knew another archaic type of water-clock , a floating bowl with a hole in its base that was adjusted so that it took a specific time to sink .
10 The hip belt should be adjusted so that it fits snugly on the hip girdle , and not round the waist .
11 The computer methodology for probate inventories has been further developed so that it can now handle large numbers of complete inventories .
12 The system is being developed so that it will be possible for individual chambers to identify particular court cases .
13 The architecture of triticale was altered so that it would grow shorter ; in this way more photosynthetic effort would go into seed production rather than stems .
14 The proprioceptive position of the arm is altered so that it ‘ feels ’ as if in a different spatial location .
15 I must give this to the Prime Minister , explain the strong feelings and see whether the guidelines can be altered so that it becomes more usual to impose a stiffer sentence .
16 The second solution , which contains hydrogen peroxide , is stabilised so that it will not liberate oxygen until it comes into contact with an alkali .
17 It must be redesigned so that it illuminates the choices facing the country — not , as now , obscures them .
18 A bedcradle was placed so that it relieved the weight of the bedclothes from her legs .
19 However , his new design was arranged so that it could be retained .
20 It 's also a good idea to have a spare machine readily to hand and regularly checked so that it can be wheeled in at a moment 's notice .
21 It is suggested , however , that the building society be joined so that it is specifically aware of the terms of the transfer .
22 If you find your new sum insured is not adequate , please let us know so that it can be increased to a more appropriate amount .
23 If you find your sum insured is not adequate , please let us know so that it can be increased .
24 If you were not contacted please let me know so that it never happens again .
25 When an active fang is ripped out , the next most mature one takes its place and quickly develops so that it is ready to fire .
26 But the experiment was poorly designed : there were no special safety measures , and the reactor 's emergency safety system was disconnected so that it would not spoil the experiment .
27 If rights are being infringed the Purchaser will need to know so that it can restructure the Business to avoid further infringements .
28 The hound had been given something of Sir Henry 's to smell so that it would pick up his scent and follow him .
29 At least one small nineteenth-century factory in Dentorn , Greater Manchester , as an area noted for the manufacture of hats , was built with certain architectural features included so that it might easily be converted into a terrace of houses .
30 For this reason it is vital that the new structure behind the facade is designed so that it can be dismantled without damaging the earlier structure .
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