Example sentences of "[verb] so that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think you 'll have to , ’ said Fenella , who found the idea completely appalling , but who was trying to be practical and sensible and make it sound safe for them to go so that they could get Nuadu .
2 If you find it difficult to keep a rally going within the confines of the court , chase the ball wherever it goes so that you become accustomed to the habit of pursuing the ball .
3 The cause had to be lack of food , the mints I 'd had earlier had obviously worn off , but , soft-hearted fool that I am , I was trying to wait so that me and the invalid could sit and break bread together .
4 That chimney turned out to be the only delicate part of the building and scaffolding had to be erected so that it could be rebuilt .
5 It will be videoed , to se you 'll make two applications within that small group session and a second will be videoed but only for you to see so that you can take it away and try and learn from er seeing yourself on video .
6 At the same time , the mind must be in readiness for new ways of seeing so that it is already poised for the marvellous and even the illogical .
7 If they have to shoot to kill so that their children live , they will .
8 Some sort of canvas covers that can be stripped so that I 'm Luftwaffe again for the trip back . ’
9 We instruct without formal RYA courses at Paxos , Porto Heli and Cannigione so that we do n't hinder the flexibility of these holidays too much .
10 but er I do n't know if you can get this information to er to your fellow students but it really concerns the graduation rehearsal which takes place on er Friday erm on Friday we 're going out er as a group on Friday afternoon at one fifteen to Church House er to run through the rehearsal procedure er the graduation it 's important that on that day that you bring along your robes bring your robes with you and bring your , bring them along , they should be pressed so that you can er wear them er the you should also please
11 Australia have shown you have to lose so that you can eventually win .
12 But then why did n't the plant evolve so that it no longer attracted that insect ?
13 In chapter 8 , rules were formulated which dictated which way to run the proportions when dealing with the hypothesized effect of one variable upon another : proportions were calculated so that they summed to 1 within the categories of the explanatory variable .
14 The local authorities need to know now how the standard spending assessments will be calculated so that they can make definite financial plans .
15 And since that state of stability had been calculated so that it would not commence deterioration until the next inspection had been completed , Rostov had delegated command of the bridge to Yuan , and had elected to watch the performance of his technical officers at close quarters .
16 They have an ingenious device called a " lens ' , whose shape appears to be mathematically calculated so that it bends these silent rays in such a way that there is an exact one-to-one mapping between objects in the world and an " image " on a sheet of cells called the " retina " .
17 It was a reminder of the early days of European seamanship , when captains discouraged their crews from learning how to swim so that they were more likely to sink with their ship than abandon their posts and struggle for shore .
18 It 's for you to study and peruse so that you
19 Women 's experiences are marginalised so that their unemployment is not considered a problem or worthy of comprehensive social policy responses .
20 Instructions to the boundary commissioners were revoked and amended so that they would be able to consider economic interest as well as population and community in the drawing up of the new constituencies ; this was regarded as vital by the Unionists , for it seemed likely that the merging of the small boroughs into the county constituencies would take away the last of the agricultural seats .
21 Subsequently , the statement of claim was amended so that it was restricted to the tax assessment under s 488 , TA 1970 .
22 Ideally , this provision should be deleted , or at the very least it should be amended so that it applies only to the consent of a mortgagee or superior landlord actually required under the terms of an existing mortgage or superior lease .
23 But last time do you remember this time last year it got so that his foot was really puffy ?
24 Then I got so that I could not be bothered .
25 Yet such a demand must be clearly formulated so that it challenges the stereotypes of women 's role .
26 And guilds were formed so that they could trade these garments around the country and eventually around Europe .
27 It is not until later ( perhaps mid 30s ) that their domestic commitments change so that they can start to return to work .
28 Thus instead of following the traditional linear progression of the allegory — a development towards contemplation based on Jacob 's union with Rachel after his marriage to Leah — Hilton is more interested in emphasising the coexistence of the two wives : In his reference to another facet of the story , that concerning Jacob 's change of name to Israel , allegorised as a man seeing God , Hilton does suggest a progression in contemplation for his pupil saying that he will become Israel , that is , fully contemplative , in the next world , certainly , and possibly even in this if his circumstances change so that he is relieved of worldly responsibility altogether .
29 There seems general agreement that the mind does not work like a camera , faithfully recording everything in front of its lens , for apart from the discrimination of sensations and the filtering out of some of them , the information that is passed on undergoes considerable re-organisation and change so that there is always a discrepancy between the sensory input and what is perceived .
30 The locks were still not completed so that whatever traffic moved between then and the opening of the Foxton Flight on 1 October 1813 must have involved portage up the tramway .
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