Example sentences of "[verb] there be a " in BNC.

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1 She might be growing to detest the man more with every passing second , but she doubted there was a woman alive who could deny his sheer male beauty , or fail to be drawn to it on the most basic level .
2 One risk was that if they did n't act there was a gunman on the loose , desperate , he 's after all escaped from prison , possibly in a confined space in a block of flats with a vantage point .
3 Like finds at an archaeological site , each book listed there is an object that speaks for itself .
4 Whatever your business needs there is a Graphite Micro Series solution .
5 What is often not appreciated is the need also to provide a stable and profitable agriculture that can support the infrastructure it needs There is a danger that farmers will not be given adequate incentives to grow produce efficiently and environmentally responsibly .
6 When you are reviewing your insurance needs there are a number of important points to consider :
7 Scottish fund managers have always claimed there is an advantage in not being in London — perhaps it is also true of other sectors .
8 If this does appear to be happening there is a need either to warn the teachers in the unit documentation or maybe even to indicate possible dangers within the program .
9 In the light of these partial versions of reality , I suggest there is a need to look beyond the surface presentation , whether handed out in the form of a press release or in the crime statistics which senior officers consistently use as an indication of social mayhem .
10 Considering again my grandmother and the Center women , I suggest there is a set of understandings shared among women , concerning the meaning and value of the conventional functions …
11 Outlines of hut circles , still visible , suggest there was a permanent Brigante settlement here , supposedly one of the last strongholds against the Romans .
12 It is a sport , at least in my view , although I acknowledge there is a great deal of hard work involved both on the actual occasion and in the preparation .
13 There was a catch-phrase which was used for anyone who was grumbling — ‘ Do n't you know there 's a war on ? ’
14 Do n't you know there 's a war on ! ’ and with that he slammed the door and everyone except for Willie , who was feeling somewhat stunned , erupted into gales of laughter .
15 He once said he was ‘ looking forward to the day I can go fishing without someone sitting in the back of the boat saying do n't I know there 's a war on ’ .
16 ‘ Do n't you know there 's a war on ? ‘
17 Do you know there 's a very rich lady called Mrs d'Urberville living on the other side of the wood ?
18 The Hijackers do n't know there 's a C.B. in the truck so I 've managed to feed the mike through to the back and I 'll keep sending as much information as I can .
19 Did you know there 's a penalty for digging holes in it with your face ? ’
20 Andrew di , do you know there 's a biscuit for you ?
21 Oh I do n't know there 's a it 's the helicopter .
22 does , does Steven know there 's a new cycling magazine out ?
23 Thank you Chairman , as er members will know there 's an experiment at Felixstowe where a few local members and the
24 Multiples such as W.H. Smith will certainly not miss the boat but the more traditional , book-focused groups may not even know there is a boat to catch .
25 No access to the Internet can leave you on the outside looking in , ignorance of the Internet means you do not even know there is a window on this information world .
26 In some cases ( for instance distress sales by receivers , in situations of insolvency ) both parties may know there is a doubt as to title but want to take the chance anyway .
27 Must be a risk , they must know there is a risk , must n't they .
28 ‘ Did you know there is an extra Language Group meeting tomorrow ? ’
29 Now you will know there are a great many er programmes on television nowadays and articles in newspapers and magazines designed to try to help us to be a bit more aware
30 I did n't know there were a video , I says get your he just tuned it on any channel , I says get your remote control for your telly I says and click
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