Example sentences of "[verb] been like that " in BNC.

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1 It has been like that all through the history of the place .
2 It has been like that , something that was n't happening to us . ’
3 Brockbank said : ‘ It has been like that since day one , but many clubs are like that . ’
4 He has been like that for since he 's been with her he has
5 I supposed I 'd been like that too , but I could n't remember .
6 He 'd been like that once , he 'd trusted and believed , and look what had happened to him .
7 It ca n't have been like that really , though I believe records show that the summers in the late Twenties and early Thirties were warm and dry .
8 Something like that , it must have been like that .
9 Marley must have been like that himself .
10 He 'd never have been like that in the old days .
11 It must have been like that for Euturpia , when she was turned out to the cabana .
12 Do you imagine that we are the way we are about money because of mother or because we would have been like that anyway ? ’
13 He should have been like that , happy with a wife and children .
14 It could n't really have been like that .
15 ‘ But it could n't have been like that .
16 Worrying his head off , scratching about for the rent , weathering one disappointment after another — it seems to have been like that all the way .
17 Aunt Edith , Uncle Walter 's wife , had been like that before she died .
18 He composed his blends not only according to the flavour of the juice , but also according to what the weather had been like that year — an early or late development , depending on the amount of cold or rain there had been — and according to whether the vines had grown a rich or mediocre foliage .
19 P. G. Wodehouse 's Bertie Wooster had been like that , in the Jeeves stories ; so was Tony Last in Evelyn Waugh 's A Handful of Dust ( 1934 ) , a model country gentleman who loses child , wife , estate and ultimately England itself , marooned as surely as Crusoe in an inland jungle where he is forced to read Dickens 's novels to an illiterate half-caste .
20 Once , in a very bad patch , Jasper had been like that for weeks , over a month , and she had lived in terror for the knock of the police at the door , and news about Jasper she had been dreading since she had first met him .
21 How did she know it had been like that ?
22 The weddings I had been to had been like that , quite different from the wedding parties in the villages along the Nile : a deafening noise of drums and flutes , bright hot colours and people saying words I could n't understand .
23 It might have been very nearly normal if the movements had been like that .
24 And he was also sometimes a little overwhelming ( Uncle Dimitri had been like that too ) .
25 Oh Ven , she wanted to cry — it had been like that for him too !
26 I 've been like that all day .
27 But what it is er they 've been like that for years , like , in the bathrooms
28 ‘ She 's been like that most of the afternoon , ’ Sister Duggan , who was standing by at the foot of the bed , told him .
29 JB : I painted mostly in my own time , and it 's been like that all along .
30 In the past month in here , well , it 's been like that every day .
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