Example sentences of "[verb] been [adj -er] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 During the last nine years , it has been richer pensioners who have been the main beneficiaries of the real increase in the value of pensions .
2 And then much of this leeway was made up and the capacity being there er , well the hours of work were getting tackled then , they 'd been longer hours and er I think as a a boy coming out of apprenticeship , er the forty seven hour week had come into being .
3 We must have been closer friends than I recall , for as I go through my library 40 years later , I find quite a number of splendid books inscribed ‘ in friendship ’ from Andrew in his scrawling hand , including Henrik van Loon 's ‘ Book of Lives ’ , ‘ One Men 's Meat ’ by E.B. White , ‘ Women in Love ’ by D.H .
4 However , the different status of suppliers will pose problems and muddy what would otherwise have been clearer waters .
5 There may also have been earlier differences in the decision whether to take ‘ no further action ’ after arrest , or indeed in the decision by the police to arrest .
6 Police investigating sex attacks at knife-point on a 29-year-old Filipino woman said that they ‘ believe there may have been earlier victims — but the women have been too ashamed to report the attacks ’ ( Mail on Sunday ) .
7 There might have been further questions Cranston would have liked to put .
8 In a similar way , as we shall find later , although the widowed and still married give similar pictures of the practical division of roles in their married lives , the widowed tend to interpret these apparently similar marriages differently , remembering themselves as having been closer couples than do those who are still married .
9 In " A " Ltd v " B " Ltd [ 1992 ] CLJ p263 H H Judge Davies QC , dealing with Official Referee 's Business , declined to follow Fryer 's case , purporting to distinguish it and holding the relevant passages of the Court of Appeal 's judgments to have been obiter dicta .
10 The House will be pleased to know that in 1991 there appear to have been lower fatalities on our roads than in any year since the 1940s , despite a ninefold increase in the amount of traffic .
11 Chroniclers and poets in their embittered criticism of papal initiatives for peace were scarcely less vehement than the lords and commons in parliament , and when at last , in 1378 , an Italian pope was elected , an Englishman at Rome rejoiced because ‘ Previous popes and their cardinals had been greater enemies of the kingdom of England than the king of France himself . ’
12 At our last Directorate it was noted that there had been further difficulties with unauthorised visitors and it was agreed that there was a need for additional security between the entrance foyer and offices .
13 Oh , they had been happier times !
14 There had been earlier studies of women writers , notably Myra Reynolds 's The Learned Lady in England 1650–1760 ( 1920 ) , and occasional studies of individual writers , but only in the past twenty years have the conditions obtained for a comprehensive reexamination of these writers .
15 There had been earlier instances of co-ordination or control by the dramatist or by the composer .
16 There had been earlier moves towards international integration , but the 1950s saw a new impetus and with it a new school of thought emerging to claim that the sovereignty of the state was being eroded .
17 It was in 1984 that the war at sea began to hit the headlines , although there had been earlier incidents involving attacks on shipping .
18 Members who had been earlier supporters of television were confirmed in their views ; those who had been uncertain found themselves in favour ; several original opponents became supporters .
19 Why is it that the Government promised higher standards of education in 1979 , 1983 and 1987 but the results of 13 years in office have been lower standards of education ?
20 But there have been worse experiences since then , the ultimate loss of identity in the faceless , featureless blocks that have risen to replace individualized and characterful termini : Rotterdam Central ( 1957 ) , Munich ( 1963 ) , Leningrad Finland Station ( 1960 ) , London Euston ( 1968 ) , Paris Gare Montparnasse ( 1969 ) , Berne Central ( 1974 ) , Warsaw Central ( 1975 ) , and Milton Keynes ( 1983 ) .
21 There have been worse bumps and knocks . ’
22 But there have been grander times when dozens of guests from the Royal Family down would dine from their silver service .
23 Accordingly , an assembly such as this in England — and let me remind you there have been earlier ones , at Sheffield and Keele — is an act of homage to a great and greatly maligned poet ; but it is also , and can not help but be , a patriotic demonstration against ‘ suffocating insular coziness ’ .
24 It is important , because , as the hon. Member said , there have been earlier opportunities for such legislation — the Government could have chosen to include a measure in their order of business , and a private Member once introduced a Bill , but unfortunately did not have enough time to secure its progress .
25 There have been earlier references to the changing and elastic notion of priorities which takes some time to come to terms with .
26 Apart from the fantastic win at Sandwich in 1975 in the PGA Championship , when Arnold shot a 71 in a howling wind , hitting nothing much but 5-irons low and flat , the 1970s and 1980s have been quieter years — a bit easier , not so much pressure .
27 As the city has grown it has almost swallowed up Carrington , and Sherwood and there have been further houses built between the city and Carrington making distinction between the districts difficult .
28 I am told that there have been further incidents since the system reopened but so far nobody has come along with any details .
29 It is understood that there have been further changes to the company 's management structure : ‘ Alexon is undergoing a review of its management and cost of structure , ’ says a company spokesman .
30 From 1979 to 1988 they increased by about 34 per cent. , and there have been further improvements since 1988 .
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