Example sentences of "[verb] been [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 Instead , he was troubled at the start by a cold which has been with him since last week .
2 Such vision is an unusual attribute , but one which the artist maintains has been with him since a very young age .
3 Yet , he still somehow manages to listen to virtually everything that 's sent in and retain the same enthusiasm for music that has been with him through his 23 years at Radio 1 .
4 ‘ And , ’ Claire continued , confirming her misgivings , ‘ his heart is tied up with a woman , one who has been with him for many years now . ’
5 He let his house in Chelsea furnished for the year , with the usual proviso that his own staff should remain to run it — he has a housekeeper who has been with him for years , and one daily maid .
6 Yet , he still somehow manages to listen to virtually everything that 's sent in and retain the same enthusiasm for music that has been with him through his 23 years at Radio 1 .
7 Paul is happy enough , but he has a dream which has been with him since he was a teenager .
8 He fled from persecution in Japan , where a gargantuan madness industry has been after him .
9 The watchmaker confirmed he 'd been with him at two .
10 He 'd been with him years .
11 ‘ The — er — Palmer & Pearson job , ’ she interrupted , only then realising that they had barely touched on work the whole time she 'd been with him .
12 I remember at the time Wilko saying how he though Kerslake was an excellent buy , and how he 'd been after him for a long time .
13 We did not appreciate at the time what a wrench leaving the Weir House must have been for him , nor the difficulty he had in adjusting himself to four assertive stepsons he hardly knew .
14 Intuitively she felt the depths of the anguish he 'd suffered , knew without having to be told how hard he had struggled to help his sister , understood how devastating it must have been for him to realise she 'd gone beyond his help .
15 I have no doubt that a major influence in forcing him to make what must have been for him a most distasteful and humiliating manoeuvre , was a letter sent by a number of Durham county councillors to a local newspaper in reply to an article penned by Mr Fallon in the previous week 's issue .
16 Would the secretary know if Mr Johnston had a wife who might have been with him ?
17 She had her difficulties , too , or she would have been with him by this ; but she was as much the prisoner of circumstances as he , and could not well take ship until she had established a firm and safe regime for her young son .
18 But I think it could have been over him .
19 ‘ The potential for what he became must have been in him all the time . ’
20 She 'd automatically assumed that it was from Ryan , only of course it was n't , and if she had been thinking rationally before she would have known it could n't possibly have been from him .
21 I mean what would have happened to us kids if if she 'd have been like him ?
22 You know probably if you got a younger person , he probably would have been after him , square up to him , and erm .
23 They were not Harry 's creation : they were too recently generated to have been from him .
24 They were active as railway architects , and the stations on the main line between Newcastle and Berwick-on-Tweed , commissioned by George Hudson [ q.v. ] in 1846 — ‘ Fine , handsome buildings … more like the villas raised by retired tradesmen than residences for railway officers ’ — are said to have been by him .
25 A shadow crossed his face ; evidently , thought Karelius , what there had been between him and Louise Müller was not yet dead , and perhaps never would be .
26 He was regarded as a ‘ big-head ’ , he played truant , got into trouble for telling a lie , and was lectured by the headmaster in front of the whole school because of the complaints there had been about him .
27 Although she was reasonably sure that Harry was still in love with her , she was concerned at all the talk there had been about him marrying the American girl .
28 Now he was sharp and alert and as curt and direct as Sandison had been to him the day before .
29 To Tom Poole that day , Coleridge wrote a farewell letter , setting down his sense of all that Poole had been to him since the beginning of their friendship more than four years earlier :
30 He had been as anonymous to Aldhelm as Aldhelm had been to him .
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