Example sentences of "[verb] n't [be] put " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Finally , if you have any problems , my door is always open , so do n't be put off by it . ’
2 Do n't be put off , though , as the actual rind of these cheeses is seldom eaten and the remaining paste is often surprisingly mild .
3 Do n't be put off by his manner , he 's a sweetie really , ’ the fat girl said to Maggie sticking out her hand .
4 Do n't be put off by the fact that you ca n't rock and roll — nor can I — full tuition at beginner standard is included .
5 Do n't be put off by the thought that this is no job for the novice — not everything in surveys is a matter of technical knowledge .
6 But do n't be put off by any early setbacks because some simple experimentation will soon determine the best way of producing boards with this technique .
7 Chances are I will be able to help you with other topics , so do n't be put off writing again because I was no help the first time .
8 Even when ripe , these huge fruits have a greenish yellow skin and flesh , so do n't be put off .
9 No , do n't be put off ; do read on .
10 Do n't be put off by descriptions such as ‘ underwired ’ or ‘ structured ’ .
11 Do n't be put off .
12 If this sounds too complicated , do n't be put off .
13 Do n't be put off by Garbage Beach , by the way — it 's a surfers ' paradise .
14 For any knitter new to Shetland wool , the work appears very harsh when knitted , but do n't be put off , once washed to remove the oil it comes up beautifully soft and fluffy .
15 Again do n't be put off by the appearance of the test piece , washing is the answer .
16 Do n't be put off if relaxation does n't seem to work immediately for you .
17 Do n't be put off by old ‘ Crazy Horse ’ Emlyn — he is of the high-pitched voice and cheesy grin .
18 But do n't be put off by the remains of a crashed enemy aircraft which paid a visit during World War Two .
19 If you 're thinking about improving your lifestyle , do n't be put off by a well-meaning person who may try to get you to change your mind — especially on or around the 19th .
20 But do n't be put off .
21 A First of all , do n't be put off by notices in the shop claiming that articles are left at the owner 's risk .
22 Do n't be put off by the bewildering choice of reading .
23 Do n't be put off by Giovanna 's somewhat harsh and peremptory manner .
24 So do n't be put off when your first attempt does n't work .
25 So do n't be put off by a sign that says no money refunded .
26 On two or three afternoons of the first week winds may be a little daunting ; do n't be put off .
27 They are likely to be fairly nosey — do n't be put off by adverse comments !
28 Most jobs can be shared , so do n't be put off if the job you want is only advertised as a full-time one .
29 Do n't be put off by the fact that you have to control the purse strings — it is n't too difficult and leaflets are available from the Inland Revenue and the DSS .
30 Do n't be put off by the two sets of coordinates .
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