Example sentences of "[verb] she [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 Did n't he know she would have forgiven him anything ?
2 I do n't know she 'd have been better off here .
3 ‘ Put the kettle on , I expect she 'll have a cuppa when she gets 'ere . ’
4 Gordon Strachan OBE is simply unbelievable , and if HRH has been shown highlights of the game yet , I expect she 'll have popped the hereditary peerage in the post for him .
5 But the injury ca n't be mended and vets say she 'll have to be put down .
6 as I say she 'd have everything down , I think I , she definitely needs a big house , but not only that I mean she has to put everything up like
7 They looked out for Barbara Coleman on the way , but there were taxis about and no one doubted she would have called one .
8 Isabel lay very still , her muscles so rigid with tension that she doubted she could have moved anyway .
9 At another time and place she could have helped me in no uncertain manner .
10 He believed she must have received some of his mailings by now as she was in an even worse temper than usual .
11 He believed she must have sent him the bill personally , wanting to meet him as much as he wanted to meet her .
12 Mind you , do you know that if you 'd marry somebody erm years older than er and that , she says , well if I die she 'd have the money .
13 But for the help of a friend who sleeps in the bungalow at night , and who can help her go to the toilet if she needs to , she says she would have to go into a home .
14 Her barrister says she would have made just two thousand pounds … hardly enough to hire a hitman .
15 Amy , Amy — this in a stentorian roar , because Mrs Abercrombie is very deaf — Amy , I 've told the lady on you , she says she 'll have the police round if you do n't watch out … .
16 Though my dad says she 'll have to move now in case the Germans land on the coast . ’
17 A BRIDE-TO-BE says she could have been stranded after a wedding car company disappeared .
18 As soon as she realised what Garry had done she would have nothing more to do with him .
19 Penelope 's way home took her along St Basil 's Terrace , or if it had not done she would have arranged her journey to include it , even if it had meant a slight detour .
20 Again , I do not feel she would have had any disposable income from her grant at college or part time earnings .
21 ‘ Listen , pet , she 's said she 'll have you .
22 Guido had said she could have a day off , just to get acclimatised , but he 'd been firm that the lessons should start immediately after that .
23 She had gone to his room ready to play the wanton , certainly believing she would have to seduce him into her arms , and there had been an undercurrent of panic at this .
24 Mrs Ross ’ s condition had deteriorated ; she had fallen out of bed and it seemed she might have suffered a further stroke .
25 From the sudden change in Rune Christensen 's demeanour it seemed she might have cause to be optimistic .
26 It seemed she 'd have to stay here for a while .
27 He imagined she would have been charm personified if she wanted something from him , but offhand and dismissive if she had not .
28 Not that she imagined she would have any difficulty finding a job .
29 It was hard to be certain but she was pretty sure he had n't , and she imagined she must have assumed he was on duty at the hospital .
30 ‘ Neither of us imagined she could have been so wonderful . ’
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