Example sentences of "[verb] as [v-ing] on " in BNC.

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1 Emma-Hoo is depicted as riding on a water-buffalo and parading past lines of men to pass judgement upon them , reflecting their sentence back to them by means of a giant bronze mirror on his breast .
2 Thus Marco Polo confidently assures us that the Andaman Islands were inhabited by dog-headed cannibals , while the Amazon women , whom he reported as living on an island near Socotra , turn up again , in identical form , in Columbus ' report on his second voyage to the West Indies , only this time they are inhabitants of Martinique .
3 The moves were immediately attacked as reneging on election promises by John Major not to raise VAT .
4 He meant by this that the areas of colour in his painting were not to be blended by the eye but were to be seen as acting on each other reciprocally , thus producing pictorial form and space .
5 Even if my assessment of its implications concerning the relative order of emergence of the intentional ingredient and of syntactic structure were held to be incorrect , the mechanism of that evolution might be of independent interest , and be seen as bearing on other problems besides ( especially in developmental psychology and theoretical linguistics ) .
6 Development of the social services was seen as concentrating on improving the Big Four — unemployment insurance , workmen 's compensation , health insurance and old-age pensions — which provided against the ‘ interruption of earnings ’ which caused five-sixths of the want in Britain before the war .
7 Speech production is seen as relying on the reverse process — that is , the ability to translate abstract ideas into speech sounds and to articulate those speech sounds in such a way that they are comprehensible to other people .
8 Deciding where a stitch pattern will be placed on a garment is just as important for successful knitwear designing as deciding on the shape and colours to be used .
9 As Table 6.1 below shows , the proportion of temporary hotel and catering staff who can be described as working on that basis " involuntarily " is lower , and the proportion who can be classified as working on that basis " voluntarily " is higher than for the generality of the temporary labour force .
10 Chemically , they differ considerably from morphine , but they can usually be seen to correspond to part of the morphine molecule , and are thus envisaged as acting on the same receptors .
11 Criticism connected to choices we have made — about restaurants , films , books to read — may be interpreted as reflecting on the person who made the choice or suggestion , though this may not be the critic 's intention .
12 Here we seem to be implicitly relying on a further assumption , namely an assumption of topical coherence : if a second utterance can be interpreted as following on a first utterance , in the sense that they can be " heard " as being concerned with the same topic , then such an interpretation of the second utterance is warranted unless there are overt indications to the contrary ( again , see Chapters 3 and 6 ) .
13 Anderson 's long turn , therefore , amounts to an extreme example of what Brown and Yule describe as 'speaking on a topic " , rather than 'speaking topically " ( Brown and Yule 1983 : 84 ) , in that it ignores the previous speaker 's utterance in order to develop a new topic .
14 The first thing to realize ( in Kant 's opinion ) about moral action is that it is action done out of respect for duty as such , that is for a system of categorical imperatives recognised as binding on every rational agent whatever his desires and feelings happen to be .
15 His involvement in peace-feelers after the German invasion of France has been portrayed as verging on treason .
16 Bearing in mind that growth rate is related to size in a non-linear manner , compare growth rates of whelks of the same initial size marked as feeding on different prey .
17 More than 4,300 genetic disorders have been identified as depending on a single faulty gene ; they include cystic fibrosis , haemophilias and Huntington 's disease .
18 The Iraqis made the fullest use of these defensive advantages in 1984 to supplement the positions they had prepared on dry land while awaiting the half million or so Iranians whom US satellite photographs had identified as massing on the frontier near Basrah .
19 This hardly looks the same principle , but the connection lies in the fact that for Kant the sense in which every person is an end is that each is a rational agent who , as such , should be conceived as potentially cooperating with me in settling upon and living by universal principles of behaviour taken as binding on all rational agents .
20 3.1.2 to use the Trade Marks ( without amendment or addition ) in connection with the licenses granted under Clause 3.1.1 ( provided always that nothing in this Clause 3.1.2 shall be taken as conferring on the right to use the Trade Marks , exclusively or non-exclusively , other than in respect of the Licensed Products ) .
21 Some pleasure denying elements of conventional or religious morality are simply to be rejected as resting on superstition .
22 Most camps employ two or more times as many people in the course of the summer than they would actually be recorded as employing on any one day , even in the height of the season .
23 Even where the only ‘ standard ’ terms of the seller are those in the exemption clause itself , still a buyer whose contract includes that exemption clause could well be regarded as buying on the seller 's ‘ written standard terms of business . ’
24 Furthermore , could not the very reproduction of the species itself be regarded as depending on a form of memory — genetic memory , the apparent capacity of the DNA , transmitted between parent and offspring , to carry the rules for the future accurate development of the new organism ?
25 8 ( 1 ) No right of action to recover land shall be treated as accruing unless the land is in the possession of some person in whose favour the period of limitation can run ( referred to below in this paragraph as " adverse possession " ) ; and where under the preceding provisions … any such right of action is treated as accruing on a certain date and no person is in adverse possession on that date , the right of action shall not be treated as accruing unless and until adverse possession is taken of the land .
26 The payment was made without deduction of tax , and pension rights were treated as ending on 5 November 1979 .
27 The lines could , of course , be read as reflecting on Alison : " she was there for any man " .
28 Not only is this figure certain to rise as spending on ‘ Cohesion ’ increases , but there are even calls , led by Germany , for the proportion paid by the United Kingdom to be increased further .
29 ( The Iraqi News Agency was quoted as reporting on Aug. 3 that Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid , at a meeting with the Iraqi and Yemeni delegations in Istanbul on Aug. 3 , had expressed support for the ending of the blockade . )
30 Viljoen was quoted as saying on Radio South Africa on Feb. 5 that there was no reason why a deadline of April 30 for the release of political detainees and the return of exiles could not be met .
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