Example sentences of "[verb] his [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 He had won his point over there not being a re-vote . ’
2 He jerked his thumb over his shoulder towards Sonny cowering against the wall .
3 John , however , chose the honour of representing his country over financial gain and valuable ATP computer points , earned through tournament play .
4 Following the death of James I , Charles I became King of England , in 1625 , and the Duke of Buckingham ( who had been James I 's favourite ) retained his influence over the throne until he was assassinated at Portsmouth , in August 1628 , but not before he had arranged the marriage of Charles I to Henrietta Maria of France .
5 I recall my partner panting , puffing and praying his way over a traverse which in no way resembled the route description , to arrive with abject horror at my belay .
6 Then , one by one , with the rope round his body , each man wormed his way over the ladder-bridge to the bank .
7 Willie sat back on the pouffe and traced his finger over the pictures .
8 Tossing his case over the top of it , he scrambled up and dropped lightly down on the other side .
9 With the relaxed detachment of a man who has an implicit trust in his technology , Vologsky cast his eyes over the bewildering array of instruments which made up the control panel , taking note of the few facts he actually needed to know .
10 Yet nothing , it seemed , could halt the flow of adrenalin that surged upwards or the flush of awareness that overwhelmed her as he cast his eyes over the carefully laid table , the food and , lastly , herself .
11 He cast his eyes over her in an unhurried , tantalising gaze , smiled a seductive , lazy smile that told Robyn only too well what was to come .
12 Nevertheless he managed to establish his authority over Gaul and its barbarian settlers , until he fell foul of Ricimer , who had him executed in 461 .
13 He scooped up some pellets and pushed them into an empty flower pot , keeping his thumb over the hole in the bottom .
14 If it rained , we went out — they needed someone to push them to get fit , ’ he says , struggling to pull his sweat-pants over his beer keg thighs in a GMTV office .
15 At one point , Dr Stroud had been reduced to tears as he tried to pull his gloves over his frost-bitten fingers .
16 Bonefish drew his hand over the abraded edges of the copper sheathing left on Masquerade 's hull .
17 Athelstan drew his cowl over his head and pulled his sleeves down .
18 He drops his hands over his feet .
19 Dexter moved his chair over the kitchen tiles causing a squeak that exploded round the kitchen .
20 Kragan moved his hand over the butt of his revolver and loosened it in its holster .
21 Changes in contraceptive practises might lessen his fears over large numbers of children , and the string of TV chat-shows , radio and press interviews , plus pending film royalties following the voyage of the Beadle might well combine to reduce his financial concerns .
22 He stroked his hands over the dark fabric and shifted his shoulders against the silky lining .
23 The boy bent his head over the book with a docility unlike him .
24 He bent his head over his papers .
25 He bent his head over the basin and sniffed .
26 He knocked on the wall for the boy from the cafe next door to come in , and indicated his usual order with a nod ; to the other company , he raised a slow hand , palm over his breast but not touching it , and bent his head over the paper .
27 There is no evidence that sceattas circulated widely in the Mercian hinterland and some reason to suggest in the light of a multiplicity of distinctive sceatta coinages in eastern and southern England that Aethelbald , who may have minted in Canterbury , failed to impose his authority over the issue of coins by others , ‘ a critical commentary ’ , perhaps ‘ on what Bede asserts , and on Aethelbald 's own claims ’ .
28 Transport Secretary , Paul Channon , has been explaining his actions over Lockerbie to MPs .
29 He moved out on to the starboard wing and trained his glasses over the starboard quarter .
30 Wilkins also told magistrates that he had n't deliberately tipped his drink over the bar but that it had been an accident .
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