Example sentences of "[verb] they just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I expect they just put two and two together and went on from there . ’
2 More than 3,000 turned out for a rally organised by 2 hoteliers who say they just had to do something .
3 But the Gypsies say they just want to get on with the local people .
4 But the Gypsies say they just want to get on with the local people .
5 They say they just want someone to be accountable for the death of their daughter .
6 ‘ I say they just did n't notice me , ’ Darius says .
7 Say they just going for a walk , yeah , and you come across this , say this young kid has been climbing up the trees and hurt his leg , you 're the only person around , so you , you 've got to get help yeah , cos he 's losing a lot of blood , but you 've got to stop his blood same time as you 've got to get help , yeah , so what 's the priority , you just stay
8 When I was ill or anything like that then your on hang cause they just come over , well they phone over , and off you go .
9 So when the bit of paper came they just ignore it
10 I 'd like to think it was my body they were after , but I suspect they just wanted to destroy the shirt .
11 ‘ If someone comes in with a litter of four-month-old puppies and I take them in , would you believe they just come back six months later with the bitch 's next log !
12 They were they were asking for them to make more slates for for less money and they were n't prepared to sit down and really talk it through with the men they just treated you know they just had this awful attitude
13 Yes , I know they just gave me a little walk on part .
14 Never yes so I thought let them come and they wanted you to be there and then I could n't rid of I just could n't get them to change their minds you know they just wanted you there and I said
15 Not as fa not the dancing but when she was working in an office you know they just needed to show her something once and she could pick it up .
16 they s you know they just multiplied all through the place .
17 They they just reject it , you know they just say no .
18 but there 's these mad people , they do n't indicate they just go brrrrrrr ahead and they pull in and this Escort
19 ‘ There have been a number of occasions in the past when stories have appeared in the press saying what the figures are going to be in one or two days ’ time … but when someone quotes exactly the figure which is going to come out the next day it is hard to believe they just made an inspired guess .
20 ‘ But I reckon they just mistook it for a runway .
21 But Paul says : ‘ There 's no way they 're coming they just want to go for the ale ! ’
22 I said yeah we did n't know they were coming they just appeared .
23 ‘ Lots of people say it must be easy for my family to carry on in music and that I must have taught them everything — but I feel they just inherited their love of music as it 's in our blood . ’
24 He was appalled at their habits , saying they just covered up the dirt by placing new rushes over the old , thus covering the dirt and filth which was caused by animals wandering in and out of the houses .
25 I know this was the first time they 'd ever thought of or considered themselves as artists , before that I guess they just thought they were lucky .
26 And I guess today — I guess they just went a little too far . ’
27 But I guess they just got some way .
28 ‘ I guess they just want other sorts of women in their movies in Hollywood , ’ she shrugs , saying she 'd rather now have no offers at all than be asked to play the kind of ‘ one-note , bitchy character ’ that has since come her way .
29 We 've had a magazine since we came over but I do n't think they just had enough to put in it and
30 Somebody comes in and runs a separate form puts all their customer and all they 're doing is when the orders change they just put the and it prints out notes and labels and if you 've got hundreds of them it saves a job in time and money and the girl .
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