Example sentences of "[verb] they [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 I could n't see the clock — I did n't know they even had a clock .
2 Even if they pass that test they still have to pass the second hurdle of being " in consumer use " when the defect arises .
3 British sources say they already have the potential power-unit and are half-convinced that the French may already be quite advanced in the aero-dynamics of the bodyshell .
4 More than 3,000 turned out for a rally organised by 2 hoteliers who say they just had to do something .
5 Some of those present say they too have heard this story and speak of what they know .
6 Social workers say they never had enough evidence of maltreatment to go to court for a care order .
7 Detectives investigating the murder of Glasgow pensioner Agnes Law say they still have n't found a motive for the crime .
8 Detectives investigating the murder of Glasgow pensioner Agnes Law say they still have n't found a motive for the crime .
9 By the end of the war this culture had been defeated , and the victorious Puritans and their nonconformist allies who had gained control of the reins of central government believed they now had an opportunity to impose on the whole nation the same moral reforms that prior to 1640 they had struggled to instigate piecemeal at a local level .
10 We know Compaq wrote the specification when it was still a ploy — Systems Network Integration says they even have a prototype up and running — but whether this can ever amount to anything more than a high-end PC depends on sorting out fact from propaganda .
11 The instances of the over-valuation of the male are endless and penetrate the entire curriculum ; more disturbing is the corresponding under-valuation of the female , and the fact that when women and girls do appear they often have negative images .
12 But I seem to have hit on a compromise , a way to make them feel they still have a stake in the treasure , but in addition an enhancement of their family 's reputation . ’
13 If they are prepared they normally have colouring and smelling additives on them which attract the fish .
14 All you can do is to keep moving , and hope they still have some bridies in the Ptarmigan restaurant .
15 On that one was taken a little bit earlier , you can see they certainly had one of the old er gates there .
16 Nina Miklin will be well known to many club members but anyone who has not been able to attend one of her talks will be pleased to hear they now have a chance to go to a choice of two workshops .
17 Narrative identification … is being rejected … at a point in time when gays can claim they still have not had it .
18 He had shared a drink with barmaid Louise Shipman , who then claimed they also had sex at a Leicester hotel .
19 Labour claimed they already had ‘ very good evidence ’ that this was about to happen .
20 On the boat , Johnson asked about ‘ the use of the dirk , with which he imagined the Highlanders cut their meat ’ , and was told they also had knives and forks , that the men tended to hand the knives and forks to the women after they had cut their own meat which they then ate from their hands , and that one old Macdonald retainer always ate fish with his fingers , claiming that ‘ a knife and fork gave it a bad taste ’ .
21 They were they were asking for them to make more slates for for less money and they were n't prepared to sit down and really talk it through with the men they just treated you know they just had this awful attitude
22 I know they still have faith in me . ’
23 Richard Spindler and Julia Verity know they still have a long way to go .
24 Some graduates stride to the front of the little hall so easily you would not guess they only had one leg .
25 But if you are tempted to laugh , remember they also have a strong beak which can deliver a serious nip .
26 Although several of the children on this year 's flight will not be as lucky as Karen , every effort is made to ensure they never have a dull moment .
27 And that has encouraged the Geordies to believe they still have a fighting chance of keeping him .
28 But he decided they probably had enough on their minds for the moment ; and swiftly tossing back the Glenlivet , he left them , making his way thoughtfully to the front entrance , and wondering something else : wondering whether any announcement of Kemp 's death — Kemp 's murder — would have come as too much of a surprise to one of the four people who still sat round their table in the Chapters Bar .
29 People may say that understanding something , as you are now understanding what I have written , involves interpretation , that is , translating something linguistic , a sentence , into something non-linguistic , a thought ; but they do not say it because they have found they actually have to do any such translating .
30 but erm , does n't have they only had the white ones , so I think I might go to Waitrose , not Waitrose , erm , might get up early tomorrow and go to erm , what 's it called , erm , Sainsburys , yeah .
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