Example sentences of "[verb] this to the " in BNC.

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1 They do relate this to the capitalist character of industry , and to the market economy , but the restructuring school would argue that the implication of this is that it is important to specify the particular capitalist nature of industry .
2 Sony will shortly upgrade this to the Extended Architecture standard enabling CD-ROM to beat portable CD-I to becoming the first multimedia handheld units to reach the commercial market .
3 We must Adapt this to the continuing changes in educational standards to meet the requirements of both Students , Educationalists and Governmental bodies .
4 Woolf seemed to ascribe this to the ignorance of English sentencers about prison conditions on the one hand and other countries ’ practices on the other .
5 We need only to compare this to the average annual cost in 1986–87 of probation orders ( 900 ) , community service orders ( 520 ) , attendance sentence orders ( 117 ) or even places in probation hostels ( 7 , 174 ) to see why the Treasury is in danger of becoming a radical advocate of decarceration !
6 It will be interesting to compare this to the speed of the user fittable Cyrix 386 pin compatible 486 device that is rumoured to have a release date towards the end of this year .
7 It is disappointing that Management has failed to provide this information on the issues raised by IBOA and IBOA has referred this to the Labour Relations Agency for a Conciliation Meeting .
8 Ernest had an eye for detail , and Undertown displays this to the hilt .
9 Joynson-Hicks announced this to the Cabinet as though it were the end of constitutional government .
10 According to some sources , it was at this time that the pope recognized the Franciscans and announced this to the Council .
11 He announced this to the Liberal ministers who had once again congregated in 10 , Downing Street .
12 And I I , I , I commend this to the church and I , and I 'm glad the commissioner had a chance to come back and speak again about his concern about erm the waiting list for transplants .
13 ( We might compare this to the way in which , in Sartre 's later text , the synecdoche of the singular-universal insistently slides into the singularity of the event ) .
14 Comforting her sons , she said : ‘ We always knew this could happen but how can I explain this to the boys ? ’
15 Moderator could the convenor tell us why the Board wishes to be discharged its remit on health and healing when it 's been so successful in bringing this to the notice of the whole church ?
16 If an issue arises where one or other marriage partner is saddened , hurt or affronted by the other , the most important initial agreement is to communicate this to the other partner as soon as it is acceptable to them both to do so .
17 The scientists involved , including Douglas Higgs , the chief scientific officer for the Crown during the Maguire trial , had not told the trial that substances other than nitroglycerine on the defendants ' hands could have given a positive reading , or that " rogue " positive results could occur , nor had they disclosed this to the May inquiry .
18 I drew this to the attention of Mellowes , my line manager , at an early stage and he had made vague noises about something being in the pipeline .
19 Make a Fel test for the character announcing this to the ghosts , and apply the following modifiers :
20 It is hoped that those areas who are large in numbers will raise between three and four hundred pounds each and send this to the Treasurer before Christmas ; those areas who have fewer teachers and not so many classes are asked to raise £100 each .
21 The tallest of the group then spoke : ‘ If you report this to the police , you 'll be in trouble !
22 It did not , however , report this to the Bank .
23 Under the acts , corporations are required to measure their own pollution level and report this to the inspectorate .
24 Make a loop in the weaving yarn and attach this to the clamp on the same side of the needle bed as the carriage .
25 Now what is God saying to me through this passage ? … and you find yourself ruminating on the things you are anxious about , and you start to relate this to the person you are .
26 The current emphasis on systems analysis tends to hide this fact , yet in both Konrad Lorenz 's famous hydraulic model and Niko Tinbergen 's attempt to relate this to the functioning nervous system no feedback loops at all were incorporated .
27 It s objectives , published in 1978 , were ‘ To detect , by quantifiable physical and biological means , the manifestation of ‘ earth energy' ’ at prehistoric sites and to relate this to the ultimate nature of earth energy and to the suspected prehistoric manipulation of this energy' .
28 I always used to relate this to the ghostly effect you sometimes get round a figure in a horror film .
29 In doing so , it does point out the importance of the Gulf oil reserves , yet it strangely fails to relate this to the massive forces available to Bush through the presence of US central command in the Middle East .
30 Akayev described this to the summit press conference as " a mechanism for the resolution of disputes concerning economic co-operation and … for executive discipline over economic obligations " .
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