Example sentences of "[verb] this [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is only one exception to this closing date , that is if you can not vote in person because you are ill , and you could not have foreseen this on the closing date for applications .
2 It did n't matter to her , did it , so why , then , was she pursuing this like a dog with a bone ?
3 Clifford Smyth stresses the damage that would have been done to the electoral appeal of the DUP if it had been too closely associated with the Free Presbyterian Church and offers this as the main reason why the Presbytery of the Free Church refused to allow ministers other than Paisley and Beattie to stand as DUP candidates .
4 They do relate this to the capitalist character of industry , and to the market economy , but the restructuring school would argue that the implication of this is that it is important to specify the particular capitalist nature of industry .
5 The executive Commission welcomed Mr Clinton 's commitment to agreeing a GATT world trade deal , but coupled this with a warning that any recourse to protectionism to spark economic recovery could lead to disaster .
6 What the quarto labels ‘ the First SONG ’ runs right through from ‘ Come all ye songsters ’ to ‘ Sing while we trip it ’ Purcell divided this into no fewer than five separate numbers : the countertenor solo ‘ Come all ye songsters ’ ; the trio ‘ May the god of wit inspire ’ — without the chorus repeat specified in the quarto , but duly followed by what it labels ‘ a Composition of Instrumental Musick , in imitation of an Eccho ’ ; a chorus which , instead of repeating ‘ May the god of wit ’ , sets the first line of the second stanza , ‘ Now join your warbling voices all ’ ; and finally a solo , ‘ Sing while we trip it ’ , this time with the specified chorus repeat .
7 Sony will shortly upgrade this to the Extended Architecture standard enabling CD-ROM to beat portable CD-I to becoming the first multimedia handheld units to reach the commercial market .
8 It will build this on a ledge if one is conveniently available , but it is perfectly capable of fixing the nest to a vertical or even an overhanging wall of rock .
9 It is a fast and relatively cheap working method but it turns this into a real Spaghetti Opera , where the soundtrack never quite gels with the visuals .
10 We must Adapt this to the continuing changes in educational standards to meet the requirements of both Students , Educationalists and Governmental bodies .
11 They question the theoretical basis of this approach , arguing that not only might the driver treat this as a challenge to driving skill , but that in the trade off between caution and speed , the driver could equally strike a bargain on the side of risk , especially where the shared space is lengthy .
12 But do n't just treat this as a language exercise .
13 ‘ We shall treat this as a suspicious death ; there will be an autopsy and , of course , an investigation to discover the source of the poison and how it got into the brandy . ’
14 As you may recall , Sir , the police did not treat this as a case of arson .
15 So let's treat this as a political problem and look for a political solution . ’
16 When you come to make a recording , do you treat this as an opportunity to synthesise all your learning and experience into the melting pot at one go , or do you still find yourself spontaneously adjusting even in the studio ?
17 Just in case you are in any doubt though , you can treat this as an enthusiastic endorsement .
18 At 31 March 1991 , Harland Simon held 50% of the equity share capital of Perfect Information but did not treat this as an associated undertaking because the investment was held for the short term and was disposed of in August 1991 .
19 She would treat this as an unexpected opportunity to gain experience in mass-production fashion .
20 You may treat this as an order . ’
21 The governments of nuclear-armed countries rightly perceive this as a threat to their defence strategies and decide to send all the stones back to Mars .
22 The food , fancy French , all mousses and coulis , stuffed this on a bed of that , is now rather dated — stuck in a late-Seventies time-warp .
23 So when I take this out and pout this through the window it shines straight up and you can look at the clouds and you can tell which direction the wind is .
24 Woolf seemed to ascribe this to the ignorance of English sentencers about prison conditions on the one hand and other countries ’ practices on the other .
25 Leruez represents this as a misguided political choice : ‘ Yet again , as under the Conservatives but in even more striking fashion , the defence of the pound was put above expansion ’ ( Leruez , 1975 , p. 179 ) .
26 Figure 8.9 represents this as a fall in the real wage acceptable to the L 1 insiders from w 1 to w 2 .
27 We need only to compare this to the average annual cost in 1986–87 of probation orders ( 900 ) , community service orders ( 520 ) , attendance sentence orders ( 117 ) or even places in probation hostels ( 7 , 174 ) to see why the Treasury is in danger of becoming a radical advocate of decarceration !
28 It will be interesting to compare this to the speed of the user fittable Cyrix 386 pin compatible 486 device that is rumoured to have a release date towards the end of this year .
29 This is the first study from the United Kingdom to examine the cost of maintaining patients on long term sclerotherapy , and it is also the first to compare this with a surgical procedure in such patients .
30 A second way of comparing the expected yield of an investment to its cost is to calculate the investment 's expected rate of return and to compare this with the prevailing rate of interest .
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