Example sentences of "[verb] not only a " in BNC.

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1 Behind this privileging of popular culture lies not only an identification with the oppressed masses , but also a sense that Latin-American reality is radically different from that of the developed , industrial West , as well as a search for an identity whose roots are to be found in Latin America itself .
2 To maintain the advances that it has made in the last few years , Unix needs not only a ‘ viable ’ desktop environment , argues UI , but an attractively sized market for developers to aim at .
3 Keeping a quick-changing all action-show like Barnum up to the mark needs not only a completely dedicated cast of performers .
4 A lease , because of the involvement of the landlord ( who is not or who at any rate in his capacity as landlord is not a member of the firm ) , needs not only an appropriate declaration that the named partners joined as lessees hold the term on trust but also : ( a ) a declaration that possession of the demised premises by partners who are not trustees of the lease shall not by itself constitute a breach of the usual covenants against parting with or sharing possession ; ( b ) a provision which dispenses with the landlord 's consent ( or makes it automatic ) to an assignment of the demised premises to partners other than the original lessees or to the vesting of the premises in new trustees for the firm .
5 Such a profit element may include not only a straightforward management fee but also a hidden profit , such as a discount , which may be given to the headtenant under a block policy of insurance .
6 If long-term priming of visually presented words arises within a visual word-recognition system , not within a semantic or phonological component of the mental lexicon , then of course one needs to postulate not only a visual word-recognition system , but also an auditory word-recognition system , since hearing a word primes subsequent auditory recognition of that word .
7 You can win not only a Megadrive 16-bit computer console ( exquisitely styled to produce faster and smoother games playing scenarios and requiring greater levels of skill and dexterity , it sez here ) but also a brand new Michael Jackson game to go with it .
8 The mythical train has not only a destination but a timetable .
9 … the bilateralism inherent in the traditional structures and processes of international law is secured on the one hand , by a prohibition of intervention protecting not only a State 's internal but also its external affairs against third party interference and , on the other hand , by the pacta tertiis rule in the law of treaties , according to which an agreement can create neither obligations nor rights for a third State without its consent .
10 The versatile Starter Kit contains not only a 50ft Soakerhose , but also 10ft of garden hose , and a set of hose couplings , plus a flow control regulator and a 16-page instruction manual .
11 This comprehensive kit contains not only a printed canvas , but also a full size coloured chart , wool card , detailed instructions and needles .
12 The definitionalist might seek to save his position by arguing for a general principle of law to the effect that to intend an act is to intend it under a full description and that therefore in all crimes where the actus reus contains not only a conduct element but also circumstances and consequences , mens rea is to be taken as being ‘ coextensive with the actus reus . ’
13 It contains not only a Rope Museum and Blacksmith 's Shop but a working watermill too .
14 It contains not only a personal element but a property element .
15 In Aachen , Charles built not only a formal palace , but a huge basilica , some of which was incorporated into what is now the present cathedral .
16 Today , little more than a week after the event , I received my copy , to find not only a short account of things said by the Secretary of State at our Anniversary Luncheon , but also our Chairman 's considered response .
17 But it does indicate the extent to which Mary 's cushioned childhood created not only a cocoon of adulation , but a cocoon of immaturity which she seemed remarkably reluctant to pierce .
18 This found not only a generally high level of support for the police , but that this spread throughout the class structure ( indeed was marginally higher in the working class ) .
19 They suggest that the deterioration may be even greater than was apparent from our study as they found not only an appreciable and continuing decline in sperm concentration but also an increased percentage of morphologically abnormal and immotile sperm .
20 It was intended to provide not only a means of cooking but of heating the water we drew from the well .
21 What we 're trying to do is to provide not only a stadium but something that everybody will want to use .
22 A strong ruler used not only a complex administrative system inherited from his predecessors , but also an ability to keep a significant number of his chief men moderately well-rewarded , or charmed , or cowed .
23 In addition to this , he has crossed the border gaining not only a ZPT qualification , ( see Appendix 1 ) , but also SchH III .
24 He holds not only a gutted Diamond-back but a pose ordained as well as caught by the photographer .
25 The unions want not only a pay rise but a proper pay mechanism for the future , and that 's where the talks could still fail .
26 To serve and suffer is considered not only a woman 's lot but right .
27 That advice was given in 1957 , and captured a reality described more soberly six years later by William Taylor : ‘ The ideals of the period ( after 1945 ) involved not only a concept of the Modern school , but also a concept of society , in which the strains and stresses of occupational and social competition would be considerably reduced , and motives higher than those of profit and personal gain would direct human endeavour . ’
28 One method in particular , kriging ( now available as part of the UNIRAS software ) , offers not only a contoured surface but also an estimate of the standard error at any point on the map .
29 Jackie Bennett , in The Wildlife Garden Month-by-Month ( David & Charles , June , £14.99 , 0 7153 0033 4 ) , offers not only a calendar but a sequence of practical projects , like making a bat box , or establishing an untidy area .
30 One could build not only a railway terminal there , but the fifth London airport and no one would notice .
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