Example sentences of "[verb] not [been] to " in BNC.

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1 But I incline to think that our grandfathers and grandmothers were in the right of it , and that no one can claim to understand Wordsworth who has not been to Hawkshead and Ambleside .
2 Relations between Egypt and Libya have been erratic since Colonel Gaddafi seized power 20 years ago , and he has not been to Egypt since the 1973 Arab-Israeli war .
3 So far Probyn has not been to impressed with the results .
4 But the celebration of the Friend , which sometimes takes the form of an apparent self-abasement by the Poet , has not been to everyone 's liking .
5 In profit-oriented organizations this emphasis has not been to the exclusion of performance measures for the simple reason that , because of the existence of the profit measure , the stewardship accounts can be analysed to yield pointers to performance .
6 It is — The Under-Secretary of State , the hon. Member for Maidstone ( Miss Widdecombe ) , laughs and cackles , but I have no doubt that she has not been to Archway Tower .
7 Well this i that 's a lunch club rumour because that one has not been to airport
8 It was n't far from where he lived , just a stop further on the tube , but he 'd not been to the area before .
9 UNTIL Saturday we 'd not been to Meadowbank Stadium since July 1986 , the distinctly unlucky 13th Commonwealth Games .
10 And when I , I mean when I , I actu actually felt quite emotional cos I 'd not been to Park to see a match for a long time and I mean we 're living up here erm , and er , I just felt quite emotional when I got out and saw that lovely pitch it was in perfect
11 I pointed out that I had not been to the polytechnic , but had been to Durham University on a scholarship — only the second the force had been awarded .
12 Mr Gray said the Distone order had not been to V Corps , but to the neighbouring XIII Corps , and Lord Aldington had been correct to follow the Robertson order .
13 West Germans who had not been to the East had no difficulty in believing them .
14 I had not been to such a party since before Leslie went to North Africa , and talking to Ika and his friends on a balcony canopied by a starry sky , I felt a spurt of pleasure , quickly followed by a surge of guilt : Leslie was dead , and I was alive , and capable of enjoying some temporary diversion .
15 It must introduce new concepts , whether in mathematics , geography , physics or literature , concepts that are unfamiliar , and would have remained unknown to a child who had not been to school .
16 One after the other was called to report why he had not been to the police court for a long period , and threatened that if he did not do more work in the future he would lose pay .
17 We were taught at home by Mam 's maiden sister , Aunt Mary , who had not been to school herself .
18 Most attention focuses here on shifts in Labour policy , on armaments and on the EC , to which may also be added another less publicised shift , namely on attitudes to the US : when Foot became leader of the Labour Party in 1979 , he had not been to Washington since the 1940s ; Kinnock and his associates were frequent , and informed , visitors .
19 Anna thought of the funeral she had not been to , she had often thought about it , the strange people and strange cats who attended it .
20 Also on the visiting critics ' itinerary were such exotica as a barbecue dinner and a visit to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo ; your correspondent , a native Texan , had not been to the rodeo since 1961 , when he shook Roy Rogers 's hand , but none the less did not feel compelled to spice up this report with such familiar Texas seasoning .
21 Alice hoped it was not on account of Jasper though , clearly , to make that emotional speech had not been to clever .
22 I had not been to London for over twenty years , and my daughters had never been there .
23 He was fully dressed , his shirt creased enough to imply he had not been to bed at all .
24 She still had not been to confession .
25 He ate and drank simply and , although he enjoyed the theatre , he had not been to a play for twenty years .
26 It was chairman Lord Rees 's first visit to LASMO Colombia , while chief executive Chris Greentree had not been to Bogota for five years .
27 On deck , Martha and Nenna had been joined by Maurice , who had decided to consider himself on holiday , and had not been to the pub for several nights .
28 I could also check that she had not been to Baskerville Hall on the night of Sir Charles ' death .
29 He had not been to any of the social functions advertised — it would have seemed like living his life backwards to enter voluntarily a church hall full of women and cups of tea — he could see his mother at the urn and himself as a boy handing round those very cups .
30 He had not been to university , he had some difficulty in grasping complex economic issues , and was prone to malapropisms , but was widely respected for his managerial skills and his political experience .
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