Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the time of the last election , he and Douglas Hurd , then the Home Secretary , drew up a list of the jobs they would seek not to do after the election .
2 Traditionally , phonemes were supposed not to overlap in their allophones , so that the only plosives that could have allophones with bilabial place of articulation were and ; this restriction is no longer looked on as so important .
3 Page numbering not starting at 1
4 The Football Association will know not to mess with the PFA .
5 Americans knew far too much about the reality of strikes to accept a film in which , in the words of James Shelley Hamilton , ‘ the trouble arises not from working conditions but from a professional trouble-maker and is solved not according to any principles but by an act of sheer moronic terrorism ’ .
6 The government finally agreed to fresh negotiations and promised not to proceed with legislation on banning strikes for two years .
7 They promised not to speak to their wives of what the fairy had said .
8 But stations particularly unstaffed appear not to fall within its remit .
9 Concepts concerning relationships between units are probably acquired in school , and most pupils appear not to deal with Imperial units to any great extent in the mathematics classroom .
10 If such links are not built , schooling will suffer from being not only detached from the lifelong vision of education and retraining which is foreseen by the CBI , the TECs and the NCVQ but also from appearing not to care about continuity , feed-through and quality assurance .
11 Send not to know by whom the trigger is squeezed , it is squeezed by us all .
12 The one redress any of the members of this group have is to try not to appear on the poll tax register .
13 The person chosen puts his face in the frame as if he is a picture and then he has to try not to laugh as the rest tell their best jokes and make the funniest expressions .
14 Peers are asked if they wish to be granted ‘ leave of absence ’ and , if they do not reply in the negative , are expected not to attend without giving 30 days ' notice of intention to do so .
15 Mr Stern has not flinched from talking to buyers , sellers , advisers , consultants , accountants , friends , farmers and agents in his determination to buy at what he considers a reasonable price .
16 This obscurity has not detracted from the approach 's popularity , and many widely held notions about psychology have originated in the cinema , in magazines or novels , based on interpretations of psychoanalytic thought .
17 John remembers he has not eaten for twenty-four hours .
18 Dost stressed that ‘ so far the Government of the DRA has not received from the EEC or from any other organ any proposal in connection with the so-called ‘ conference on Afghanistan ’ ’ .
19 I arrive at length at the present appeal , one striking feature of which is that , whilst not formally abandoning them , counsel for the applicant has not pressed with any vigour either of the grounds upon which the Divisional Court decided in his favour , namely that the Director was entitled to ask questions after charge but only after administering a fresh caution , and that the fact of such a caution would be a reasonable excuse for a refusal to answer , within section 2(13) of the Act of 1987 .
20 Though he , too , declared the distinction between written and unwritten constitutions old-fashioned , it is a pity that his summary has not served as a starting point for subsequent commentaries on the British ‘ constitution ’ .
21 ( d ) If the victim is not deceived , the accused has not obtained by deception .
22 This is not the result of patients being ‘ switched ’ into a different mental health category since the incidence of other types of illness has not increased over the same period .
23 Indeed the number of police officers per thousand of population in the Thames Valley has not increased since nineeteen sixty eight , although demands on the police here have trebled .
24 Operating system revenues were up $1.8m to $61.7m , though revenue growth has not increased at the same rate as unit volumes shipped because of volume discount schedules .
25 A spokesman for the Housing Executive said : ‘ While building costs have increased the tender price has not increased at the same rate .
26 Despite good performances from both sectors , this share has not increased from last year which reflects some positive performances from other key sectors .
27 The level of giving has not increased in real terms at all significantly in the late 1980s despite attempts to increase its attractiveness through various tax reliefs .
28 In the light of the methodological weaknesses and the fact that euthanasia without explicit requests was not permitted ( but still yielded 1000 cases per year ) we are not convinced that LAWER has not increased in frequency .
29 The chimpanzee has not waited for evolution to shape its body into a specialised tool .
30 Its exact nature has not emerged to the satisfaction of all readers .
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