Example sentences of "[verb] are [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 In fact what he has been using are exactly the same as the cheap mass-produced lasers used in CD machines .
2 The people who suffer if they are broken are not the owners , the shareholders or the board of directors , but those who work in the industry — people who have given their lives to that industry , built up the companies ' assets and made them into going concerns attractive for privatisation .
3 Ironically , the players who exert the most influence are not the worthy professionals nor the solid artisans , it is the daring wingers , the vicious defenders , the arrogant bastards and the uncontrollable wide-boys whose image is remembered by fans .
4 The answers given are not the only right answers .
5 The sounds they make are not the same as words .
6 The sort of agreements which the legislation is designed to catch are precisely the same as those which the UK legislation is aimed at , namely price fixing , market sharing , restrictions on supply , etc .
7 The important things to discover are where the mounting slots and holes are .
8 Indeed , one often gets the feeling that these young people have a positive need for a disciplining , controlling and directing father-figure , but that the father-figures they want are not the ones they have .
9 He then explained that ‘ … what we are pronouncing are not the three names of God ( or worse still the names of three gods , as some would suggest ) but we are pronouncing three aspects or qualities of the Deity which are well-known and used , in Christianity and other religions , namely His Eternal Existence , His Transcendence and His Omnipotence . ’
10 The sermons in which it is presented are arguably the finest contribution to moral philosophy in English .
11 You know , very often you hear the people that are actually talking about the things they 've done are normally the ones that have n't quite got there .
12 Whatever feelings may accompany trumping and revoking are not the meaning of trumping and revoking .
13 Although trading standards officers have the power to seize fake goods — and prosecute both the manufacturer and seller — they admit the ones they catch are only the tip of the iceberg .
14 And these you should remember are basically the terms I gave on the previous page .
15 But what makes made me laugh so much was the fact that they cos their clothes they 've got are always the biggest , mind you , it 'd fit anybody , it 's alright
16 Overall these are very comfortable necks to play , but the only areas which could be tidied are perhaps the most important ones : the nuts and the fret-ends .
17 Is he aware that the words he has just used are exactly the same as those that were used by his predecessor just before her Government increased VAT ?
18 In the first place , the ways in which the overriding of the immunity is conveyed are not the same .
19 The ones shown are only the simplest ; each winds only once around the z-axis when projected on to the x-y plane .
20 Its expenses of production when any given amount of it is produced are thus the supply prices of the corresponding quantities of its factors of production .
21 Close to the centre however , lines of sight on the far side are actually brighter because the stellar densities sampled are almost the same , but the lines of sight on the far side traverse a longer path of stars .
22 Blur are only the present of rock'n'roll . ’
23 Even if the majority of exercises employed are basically the same , the results will vary according to whether you work hard for short periods or do easier work for a longer stretch .
24 The approach that a court adopts to such a clause may be important , as the tests by which the effectiveness of exclusion and disclosure clause are assessed are not the same .
25 I , I , well I am afraid that the people who have been audited are exactly the people , I mean you would expect Ian and Tanya certainly to be good , you 'd expect Philip to be good would n't you and Susannah , and Lyn , perhaps less so .
26 Hence the 1-gram statistics of a data set are simply the frequency of each symbol within the data set .
27 And it is the same attitude of world-weariness and sophistication that socializes each generation of students and new teachers into believing that their own blends of ill-formed idealism , intermittent enthusiasm and nagging doubt about the true value of what they are doing are merely the embarrassing stigmata of the beginner , to be covered up as much as possible , and grown out of as soon as possible .
28 There is a problem about investigating the first of these hypotheses in that the dreams that are remembered are presumably the ones that have more logical structure .
29 Trilobites , like most arthropods , grew by moulting ( casting off the old carapace and growing a new , larger one ) and many of the bits we find are probably the ‘ cast offs ’ and not the dead animal .
30 Human beings it seems are not the only animals who go in for worshipping idols .
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