Example sentences of "[verb] by [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Subject selection , content and methodology are to a great extent , dominated by their influence on upper classes and no one who is aware of social and salary structures in Africa , or who has had children of his own in the system , would expect otherwise .
2 Now the sons , dominated by their love for and estimation of the primal father could maintain the altruism and cooperativeness of their way of life because of their guilt regarding the one thing that had always threatened that cooperation — their lust .
3 The Conservatives have been in Government , either alone or in coalitions dominated by their party , for sixty-seven of the past 100 years , and their share of the vote at general elections has rarely fallen below 40 per cent .
4 STEELY determination not to be dominated by her husband shows in the way Diana holds her head high .
5 A shy and unpretentious woman , she was dominated by her husband , who expected her to organise his home life , act as his hostess , show a picture of domestic bliss to his constituency , listen to him rehearse his speeches , endure his frequent absences , cope with the bruised feelings of those he had insulted and be prepared to be woken up in the middle of the night to hear his account of his part in great events : ‘ Wake up and listen , what I 'm telling you is history ! ’
6 It is , first and foremost , The Haven of the Masses , a movement of the people ; neither dominated by its ministry , nor dependent on foreign indoctrination .
7 Si in New York , the subsidiary company must be so dominated by its parent corporation that it acts as a ‘ mere department ’ of the parent .
8 It is dominated by its minster , the collegiate church of St Peter and St Paul .
9 Most people , I think , would now agree that contempt for science did n't do Britain any good , and most would go further and admit that it is absurd to grow up ignorant of science in a world dominated by its theories and their application .
10 Yet Northern Ireland is like Italian politics used to be : dominated by its partyocracy and political blocs , shifts of a few percentage points represent an earthquake .
11 His son Charles IV was a domesticated , well-intentioned man , soon dominated by his wife Maria Luisa .
12 But if we extend the above argument , drawn from the motivation of ‘ Old Fighters ’ of the Party to the wider electorate , we would have to conclude that here — probably to an even greater extent — Hitler 's image was not dominated by his obsession with the ‘ Jewish Question ’ .
13 He gasped her name as her body closed around him and then she was dominated by his power until she slid off the end of the world into warm darkness .
14 ‘ And do n't forget , I was by then dominated by my aunt to such an extent that I would n't have dared .
15 If you have answered ‘ yes ’ to any of the above , then you are still being dominated by your parents to some extent .
16 They might be sorted by their identity into lorry , cars and bicycle , according to a particular attribute ( colour , shape , weight , size , texture , etc. ) , by some group identity ( in this case modes of transport ) , or some more abstract quality .
17 Extended families live in a group of houses ( a compound ) connected by a single outer wall , and surrounded by their farmland .
18 Her open thighs allowed a complete picture of her genitals surrounded by their carpet of short curly pubic hair .
19 Lorryloads of blooms rolled up to the Bel Air mansion where Liz , 60 , lay in bed , surrounded by her doctors .
20 She died on November 1 surrounded by her relatives at Alder Hey Children 's Hospital .
21 State occasion or not , it was her day and she wanted to be surrounded by her friends .
22 When the countess Adela of Blois issued an important charter , it was noted that she was surrounded by her capellanus and her clerici , barones , milites et servientes .
23 Then he rallied and said , ‘ Well , you 're in for a treat , in that case , surrounded by her paintings in that lovely house .
24 As I was looking in , I could see the Queen , surrounded by her lords and ladies .
25 Helen died the day before her seventh birthday surrounded by her parents and brother and sister at Alder Hey Children 's Hospital , Liverpool .
26 Helen died the day before her seventh birthday surrounded by her parents and brother and sister at Alder Hey Children 's Hospital .
27 She died at Roebuck House , her Dublin home , 27 April 1953 , surrounded by her family .
28 She sat cross-legged , like a native in the bazaar , surrounded by her implements … the knife and the straight edge for cutting the cartridge paper , the wooden mandrels for rolling the paper into shape , the powder flask , the two-and-a-half dram tin measures for measuring out the powder and finally , alas , the pot of grease , the cause of all the trouble .
29 This is a city which lives for today while surrounded by its past .
30 Magnificent Caerphilly Castle surrounded by its lakes
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