Example sentences of "[verb] by [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the evidence that one set of abstract concepts has made the transition from scientific to popular consciousness does not imply that modern consciousness is dominated by such similar notions .
2 Northern society is dominated by such physical facts — also by two centuries of poor health , low expectation , isolation and undervaluation .
3 Cornelia Meigs ( 1969 , p.66 ) has to call the period after Newbery ( the period dominated by such purposeful writers as Sarah Fielding , Mrs Barbauld , Mrs Trimmer , and Hannah More ) ‘ The Age of Admonition ’ .
4 Las Vegas , famed for its gambling , outlandish hotels and casinos , is dominated by this annual event , with exhibitions , conferences , seminars and product launches taking place in most of the major hotels .
5 Ruth hated the way Anna let herself be dominated by this selfish boy .
6 If they should chance to be black , brown or yellow , of any cultural tradition save that of the West and dominated by any other ideological system except that of the student 's own parents they will seldom if ever protest , no matter how flagrant the injustice , how onerous the oppression , how unprincipled the exploitation and how ever much they offend against the protesters ' vociferously expressed and allegedly ‘ sincere ’ ideals .
7 Twice this century the US has joined our European tribal wars to ensure that our continent should not be dominated by any single power .
8 Sessions of the Supreme Soviet and of its standing commissions were dominated by these important figures , a domination reinforced by the fact that the more humble deputies were not usually elected for a second term .
9 The primary visual cortex is surrounded by many secondary visual regions that seem to deal with special qualities of the image such as colour and movement , and in theory much could be achieved by assembling in appropriate ways information about the occurrence of different trigger features .
10 It 's Paris , 1992 , just before the couture shows and , although no one is bursting into song every five minutes , I 'm surrounded by such high-fashion gloss that I feel like I 'm in a remake .
11 That is a natural part of being that particular creature , of being surrounded by that particular configuration of mental and tattvic apparatus .
12 He 'd whistle and all the horses would run over to us ; and there we were surrounded by these great horses , and we were holding up the babies to them !
13 Already suffering from physical ailment , and surrounded by some marvellous women who took it in turns to look after him in the evening of his life , he was a fount of ideas and vision .
14 That believes that local councils should operate services , should do it at the dictate of the department of the environment and indeed it 's regrettable that we are surrounded by some local authorities who feel that their world is precisely that .
15 The British Telecom phone engineer , who alerted Darlington Council 's environmental health department of the discovery , said the creature was also surrounded by several dead rabbits and rabbit skins .
16 She was surrounded by this golden aura which stopped men going any further , whether they would have liked to or not , it never happened .
17 He was tired of wrestling with it , brooding about it , sometimes looking at his bride 's back with violent puzzlement ; but now , surrounded by this covert attention , he was glad to let it go : he would take tea like a lord with his family .
18 ‘ If he really had a divine mission , ran the objection , he would not be surrounded by this rag-tag band , but by the best and the brightest . …
19 ‘ The first product release is likely to be a Windows version of ‘ Oilwat/Gaswat ’ which is awaited by many existing and potential users of the package .
20 That was in 1960 — I was there myself was won by that great Irish player , Joe Carr .
21 Golat Youth hostel , situated 400m from the Fowey estuary up a hillside , was due to be reopened by former local resident Chay Blyth .
22 And your self-esteem is just attacked by that dog-eat-dog system .
23 John Regis , my arch rival at 200 metres , was walking home with some friends late one night when they were attacked by some white men who were obviously extremely drunk .
24 To find it so utterly demystified by these modern religions keen to allow people of today to understand … it really appals me .
25 My preconceptions about the Cairngorms being dull were shattered by this splendid ridge .
26 All estimates of population size must therefore allow for a large measure of conjecture , a fact stressed by all reputable modern historians who have worked on this intractable subject .
27 A harvest earned by many far from home , With memories of some old English place Or Scottish croft ; and now that evils come , Let's look them in the face .
28 He was the only dangerous looking player … must be why he was substituted by that other regular England failure , Wright .
29 ‘ But the authorities make it quite clear … that before the constable is in a position to choose between a specimen of blood or a specimen of urine on the defendant 's claim that one or other specimens should be substituted for the specimen of breath , the defendant must be made aware not merely that he can have the breath specimen substituted by some other specimen in general terms , but that the alternative specimen can be one either of blood or of urine , although in the last resort , subject to the proviso to subsection ( 4 ) as to medical practitioners , the choice is that of the police officer .
30 The user name ‘ MANAGER ’ may be substituted by any other LIFESPAN username to determine their immediate descendants .
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