Example sentences of "[verb] put [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was knocked out by how brilliant it was when I first read it eight years ago , and now I want to put on a national tour and direct it . ’
2 ‘ We want to put on a good performance , and I believe we can win this one if we adopt a positive attitude . ’
3 About a dozen protesters , including Labour MP Tam Dalyell , turned out yesterday to defend a 5,000-year-old burial ground from developers who want to put up a radio mast for mobile phones .
4 I shall return to that point later , but I want to put down a clear marker now .
5 This dealt with the overview , but to persuade the board , JR would need to put up the cost justification and that would entail more work than time permitted .
6 The earliest we could start work would be the 19th September , for which I would need to put out a call during August .
7 Leaving the court the families all tried to put on a brave face .
8 Mr Bishop , who has plastic joints in his hips , knees and spine , is an ex-boxer and tried to put up a struggle , but they were too strong for him .
9 A spokesman said ‘ The children tried to put out the fire but to no avail .
10 2 ) I also met Diana England who teaches at IH in Lisbon and who wants to put up a proposal for a Resource Book on Spelling .
11 Blue Circle wants to put up a small commercial development on the site of the old cement works and use the profits to pay for the restoration work — two lakes — one for fishing and sailing , the other for geologists and birdwatchers .
12 If there is a public inquiry the council has to put up a site notice .
13 God , it 's simple to understand , a child could do it , but old Mike has to put up a resistance to everything .
14 No other party has officially confirmed they will be contesting the election but the SDLP are expected to put up a candidate .
15 There must be other places in the evening where Suzie might be expected to put in an appearance .
16 I 'm trying to establish put down a figure of forty six thousand for migration .
17 Mr Welch quickly acknowledges that GE has put up a sorry performance in having only four women among its 120 top people .
18 A relative has put up a £1,000 reward for information on the attacker .
19 Kim Kethavy , the party 's leader , made his fortune from petrol stations in California and has put up a large slogan outside his office in Phnom Penh 's Market Square proclaiming ‘ Communism is evil ’ .
20 Mr Cox has put up a plaque explaining the stones .
21 A BUSINESS almost cleaned out by burglars has put up a reward for information leading to conviction of the culprits .
22 FURNITURE store owner David Harper has put up a £100 reward in a bid to catch the vandals who smashed his shop window .
23 Jacques Pinon , owner of a cafe tabac in Paris has put up the required ‘ no smoking ’ signs , but thinks his responsibility stops there .
24 The reason the farmer at Ben More has put up the sign you talk about is that he has been particularly troubled by dog owners who ca n't control their animals .
25 Well , does n't seem as if anyone else has put up the score but it was Tottenham 1 — Leeds 1 .
26 Although the Museum has put on a large number of successful temporary exhibitions , the display of its permanent collection has been subject to difficulties and delays .
27 She wears her usual dull black leggings , and for the cool April evening she has put on a black woolly top .
28 But the issue of Somerset House , which he has put on the political agenda , will not fade .
29 My brither , George , has put on an awful lot of weight since I wis last hame .
30 Royal Insurance has put out a hefty cash call , asking shareholders to stump up £404m by subscribing for one new share for every three held at 255p .
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