Example sentences of "[verb] over [det] years " in BNC.

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1 What is more , there is a great deal of empirical evidence ( amassed over many years ) suggesting that human perception is the result of a non-introspectible process of construction , a process that takes a measurable amount of time and that can be interfered with in specific ways .
2 It has been earned over many years through dedicated teamwork and attention to detail .
3 Under the terms of the Compromise , Member States were supposedly given the right to veto decisions affecting their vital national interests ; under the terms of this Maastricht Declaration they effectively renounce that right , thus giving to foreign policy at the outset the same status as that acquired by other areas of policy where the Compromise has gradually been eroded over many years .
4 For example one notices over many years of you know having teaching I must have taught hundreds now in different class groups , ca n't help noticing that although you 're the same , subject is the same , the syllabus is the same , the reading list is the same , the room is the same , the time of day may be the same , but the groups are completely different .
5 As distinct from the four week experience of general practice which all of our final year students receive ( with a final objective structured clinical examination ( OSCE ) in general practice ) this university department of general practice has over many years provided generic clinical teaching for the department of medicine .
6 The platform we have built over those years is an excellent base from which to become a Total Quality Culture .
7 Industrial sites are so massive , having grown over many years without appropriate control , so that there are bound to be deficiencies and we aim to have them put right as soon as practicable .
8 In fact , the work was never really completed , additions simply being made over many years as the need for extra wards arose .
9 No great progress was made over several years , so it was decided to enlist the services of the Ergonomic Department of Loughborough University .
10 As it stood , it consisted of a multi-volume jumble of vers libre , written over many years , some in the form of letters , especially to her mother — ‘ if I sent her a letter she sent me some money — so I kept on writing ’ — listing the men she 'd known .
11 On the wider issue , it has been made clear , not simply from what I have said but through what I have done over many years — in an earlier ministerial capacity and in my present one — that we are more than willing to take action where it is shown to be necessary , once we are sure that such action would be well-judged .
12 People want to save in a currency that does not depreciate every year as much as the pound has done over many years .
13 ‘ To disturb them after all the work that has been done over many years would be a disaster . ’
14 However , conversion of more modest manufacturing and storage buildings into individual dwellings has occurred over many years — possibly even centuries .
15 Considerable research effort has been invested over many years into both speech recognition and speech understanding , but very few robust implementations have been developed .
16 Professor Jim Jeffery , who has attempted over many years to disentangle the truth from the official statistics about the AGR series , estimates that the cost overrun on building just four of the stations ( Dungeness B , Hinkley Point B , Hartlepool and Heysham 1 ) amounts to over £6.5 billion ( at 1988 prices ) .
17 The wars with France and Spain during the eighteenth century stretched over many years and disrupted plant exchange as did the American War of Independence in 1775 .
18 Lovingly restored over many years , involving many hours of devoted workmanship , the four-seater soft-top Humber is one of only two other known survivors of this model .
19 Izvestiya on Nov. 25 called Yakovlev one of the foremost media figures who has proved over many years his devotion to democratic principles .
20 Just such a programme has been successfully undertaken over many years by the Scottish Heatwise programme whose funding has never , alas , matched its innovation and enterprise .
21 This is an ability I have developed over many years , starting , of course , at a time when none of the modern locating devices were available .
22 Problems between ageing parents and their now adult and independent ‘ children ’ will centre on the system of relationships and the patterns of interaction that have developed over many years .
23 These major companies are very stable , with an organisational structure which has been developed over many years and , like the Japanese Zaibatsu , they have a large-core business which is able to withstand changes in the market place .
24 It will be a vision of success from which everyone profits , a vision which the Profitboss has developed over many years , a vision in which he passionately believes and is able to communicate with enthusiasm to his team and every other employee in the organization .
25 It may be related to the size , complexity and nature of the company 's operation and therefore to the organisational structure which has been developed over many years .
26 While case management has empirical referents which have been developed over many years ( largely in the USA ) care management has , until recently , had none .
27 That means making what might have to be some very difficult decisions affecting longstanding practices and even loyalties that have developed over many years .
28 Connections between schools and the post-school system which have developed over many years lack simpleness of planning .
29 Oberon and Titania ’ , and ‘ The Fairy Feller 's Master-stroke ’ , both painted over many years in Bethlem Hospital .
30 Actual allocations to regions would gradually be adjusted over several years so that they moved towards the target allocations .
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