Example sentences of "[verb] back [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 He threw the hoe to the ground , hoped that at least the pig had had a good meal , and want back inside his church .
2 Had the musician not been married , he would n't have reported back to his boss .
3 One aim is to make the familiar look unfamiliar and he says it was only when he referred back to his photographs after completing many of his drawings that he realised what he had missed .
4 As Endill was walking back to his dormitory after lessons the next day he heard a faint ticking at the end of the main corridor .
5 Walking back to his office after the ceremony in January 1959 , de Gaulle is reported to have turned to his new prime minister and said : " This evening I will return to Colombey .
6 He sank back into his chair as Pyke and I walked away from the table , and tossed the whisky down his throat .
7 Jean-Paul shrugged , and sank back into his chair .
8 He sank back into his chair .
9 Her father sank back into his chair , a look of satisfaction on his face .
10 She felt deep relief and sank back into his arms , allowing exhaustion to overtake her .
11 She sniffed as she put down the parcel of books and took off her gloves , and sniffed again as Maxie sank back on his bench , relieved that his beautiful black Cadillac was intact .
12 He lighted his cigar , puffed furiously , sank back in his seat , as far as it would allow him to , and stared fixedly through the windscreen , already lightly furred with snow .
13 Jackie sank back in his chair to autograph copies of the book , while Sunnie began circulating among the guests , including Terry Waite , A. N. Wilson and Brent Sadler from CNN .
14 Jonadab sank back in his chair , unable to believe what he was hearing .
15 This idea grows in the poems leading up to ‘ The Hollow Men ’ , finding full expression in 1923 when he looks back to his seminar paper , speculating that ‘ primitive man ’ may have
16 After 18 months of illness and injury the 21-year-old flyer looks back to his best .
17 As far as the perks of the job are concerned , Haslam looks back at his ICI days with a certain amount of nostalgia .
18 Our political correspondent Fiona Ross , looks back at his career .
19 Bishop looks back on his recent visit
20 Tribe looks back on his time in England with a sense of practicality , interlaced with many fond memories , some of which he hopes to rekindle if his plans for a visit next year come to fruition .
21 If only I could he he looks back on his life and he knows the power that he has experienced .
22 But the main character Marlow … played by Tim Roth … looks back on his life when he returns to port .
23 Signing Off Tony Rudd looks back over his brilliant career 56
24 Babur looks back over his shoulder .
25 BBC2 's Frost In The Air looks back over his 30-year career .
26 It also looks back towards his engagement with the primitive .
27 He actually got up and staggered back to his jungle lair somewhere in darkest Soho when nobody was looking .
28 McAggott climbed over the sergeant , who had assumed the foetal position , and staggered back to his office .
29 Civil servant who cut up the boys he lured back to his house , burned the pieces , buried them .
30 ‘ Help yourself , ’ said Bill , ambling back to his own desk and a waiting copy of the Morning Star .
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