Example sentences of "[verb] those [noun pl] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It would be no trouble for us , maybe , but it 'd trouble those gorgios who pass along the road and they 'd start complaining about us .
2 Feminists have often reminded those critics who complain about women changing the language that the language changes by itself , and this process can not be halted .
3 Hoffman-Bustamente has argued that these differing patterns of socialisation and social control for boys and girls have tended to concentrate those women who do break the law into certain categories of offence .
4 The use of the microphone by some students this year undoubtedly helped those students who lacked confidence in their ability to project their voices , and it is suggested that more students should try using the sound system to gain experience for the future .
5 To attract those users who might otherwise be waylaid by clone vendors with their own Sparc 10 equivalents out soon , Mitsui 's sales director David Wallis promises an upgrade which could save the user up to $10,000 — but with no details of what it will actually cost them .
6 Two figure compositions by Stanley Spencer made satisfactory money although the results will have disappointed those dealers who were pushing Spencer 's market a couple of seasons ago .
7 This peaceful interlude between Gloucester 's assumption of the protectorship and the events which culminated in his accession challenges those historians who see his usurpation as a panic response to growing insecurity .
8 This peaceful interlude between Gloucester 's assumption of the protectorship and the events which culminated in his accession challenges those historians who see his usurpation as a panic response to growing insecurity .
9 At the other extreme , I suppose , one has those authors who create a landscape recognisable from book to book , regardless of the subject .
10 A Special Report of the Girls ' Friendly Society in 1879 pointed out that middle-class women tended ‘ to over regulate those women whom we would serve ’ , because they were ignorant of working-class life .
11 It seems likely that when he received these papers , Palmerston , to forestall those critics who said that he was out of touch with current architectural ideas , instructed Donaldson to arrange for him to meet Lamb and other architects who agreed with his views .
12 The Red Cross primarily visits those inmates who are former National Guardsmen or who have been sentenced for counter-revolutionary activity .
13 Could I firstly start by thanking those delegates who after Congress yesterday have expressed support about the two rule changes that we lost and to give some encouragement to new delegates here that even if you get up here and you lose it , there 's some one hell of a lot of support out there on the floor .
14 It would only include those members who were judged to have met specified conditions .
15 Such a definition does not only include those Christians who construe their belief in orthodox terms ; who proclaim of Christ ( following the definition of the Council of Chalcedon ) that he was fully God and fully human , these two natures existing in one person .
16 With one exception previous studies of acute renal failure were renal unit based and did not include those patients who were not referred for specialist opinion .
17 And if a few romantics mutter against the ‘ satanic mills ’ , despoliation of the countryside and pollution of the skies from the factory chimneys , the machine shunts them aside as surely as it repulses those Luddites who would shut down its engines if they only knew how .
18 So there is little difficulty in believing those researchers who conclude from a study of the detailed structure of both adult and larva that the flatworms are descended from simpler organisms like corals and jellyfish .
19 The 1992 programme has begun to falter amid growing evidence that it has become rigged with national interests , disadvantaging those countries who play by the rules .
20 For this purpose a test may be used to discriminate those pupils who have attained a higher level from those at a lower level .
21 Noverre 's second category comprised those dancers whom he expected to be technical perfectionists .
22 The third and most sophisticated role in initiating cultural ideas comprised those intellectuals who were faithful to Bolshevik goals .
23 While it was vital to be well turned out , the young gallant should beware of imitating those fops who spent their time building huge and elaborate turbans : men like Mirza Abu Said , a great amir under Shah Jehan , who was so fastidious in the construction of his head-wraps that the Imperial Durbar had usually finished by the time he had finished tying it all together .
24 Not all surveyors have the same ambition and aptitude , and unless training is the reason for putting appropriate surveyors on to certain jobs , it is advisable to select those individuals who have experience relevant to , and interest in , the particular project in hand .
25 But Mr Humphreys said Mr Robson was ignoring those residents who were affected by the noise within the Memorial Hospital grounds .
26 He would not find anyone among the people celebrating those events who was in favour of the legislation except his own Parliamentary Private Secretary who was also present , but that is to be expected .
27 The policy implication of this view is a programme to help those farmers who can help themselves to grow cash crops .
28 After an appeal at a Qualified Teachers ' Training Day money is now available to help those Teachers who have classes in this category as it is realised that in some cases it is impossible for these people to be asked for money .
29 Indeed , we 've been running courses for several years now , both for primary and secondary level , to help those teachers who are particularly enthusiastic , and also to form a sort of resource for them .
30 Even though it is generally recognised that , at best , the principles of operant conditioning described in Verbal Behaviour contribute but a small part to our understanding of the processes of language development , this does not immediately rule out the possibility of employing techniques based upon operant conditioning to help those children who are not developing language in the normal way .
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