Example sentences of "[verb] because it [is] " in BNC.

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1 ( Lest it be thought that that example does not count because it is seventeenth-century English , it is worth noting that modern translations retain the and at the beginning of that verse . )
2 Incineration , for example , can effectively reduce the volume of rubbish but still leaves the problem of non-combustible material ; covering with rocks is not an ideal solution because the rubbish may be uncovered by scavenging yaks , herders and climbers ; incarceration in glacier crevasses is not recommended because it is likely that the rubbish will ultimately reappear .
3 The criterion-referencing of assessments is not an essential feature of graded tests , but it is an approach which has been strongly recommended because it is intended to make clearer the targets which pupils need to aim for and to provide information on achievements for parents , teachers and employers .
4 It is not just that dealing with Old Age Pensioners who have reported missing budgies falls outside the definition of what counts as ‘ real ’ police work , the work is also disliked because it is problematic , for policemen need to display competence in the way they convey sympathy while admitting that nothing will be done .
5 It is disliked because it is physically an exhausting activity ; more than any of the other tasks it consists of actions which have to be repeated time and time again with little variation .
6 The unpleasantness is stressed because it is usually preceded by an enjoyable activity — eating a meal .
7 This should be stressed because it is another important fact of change in the elderly population over time .
8 Barley malt is added because it is rich in amylase , an enzyme that enables starch to be converted to sugar .
9 what you do n't want to know because it 's One of the problems here is there 's so much noise .
10 He says that the council are looking at a number of options , the pool is being considered because it 's very costly to run .
11 We too would like to see some pensioner and pensioner trustees on that trustee board , but we do also recognise because it is er a large scheme heavily weighted er with er pensioners and deferred pensioners in the very fact that it has been transferred from the public centre of public er sector into the private sector , that we would like to see an independent trustee er er appointed on to the er Committee of Management it would er er sort of act as a balance and be able to provide er specialist advice to particularly the Trade Union Trustees and for that matter the Employer Trustees so as to keep a broad balance of what 's happening within the that time .
12 A far-southern constellation , not hard to find because it is so compact ; it lies more or less between Achernar and Canopus .
13 The CAP can not survive because it is totally unrelated to the realities of a free market .
14 Hell , forgive and forget because it 's all in a good cause .
15 Most owners misinterpret these problems as grief and they overcompensate by giving their dog more attention than they are used to ; they fail to realise that it howls because it is lonely and insecure !
16 Controversial figures in public life , such as Winston Churchill , Richard Nixon , Indira Gandhi , Martin Luther King , T. S. Eliot and many others , will probably attract biographers for years to come because it is felt that there are still new things to be said about them , new perspectives from which their work can be seen , and new interpretations of politics or the arts in which their contributions should be judged .
17 ‘ I looked everywhere and could n't find anyone and we saw the trucks come here and I saw the lights on and I thought the humans were still here and I came in and I heard your voices and you 've got to come because it 's Dorcas ! ’
18 If the boat capsizes because it 's overpowered simply scramble into the high side until you end up standing on the daggerboard .
19 Certainly , voluntary anonymised seroprevalence studies are discouraged because it is felt that even a 5% refusal rate may invalidate the results .
20 no you can wait because er you can wait because it 's not going to be that long
21 An excellent new book that 's come out and you can easily buy because it 's only six nine nine , and is book , erm kind of bedtime reading .
22 If a point is missed because it is too deeply embedded in its cultural setting in one place , it stands out prominently and unequivocally in another .
23 The first visible signs of the disease are a slight increase in the red tinges and colour of shoots and young leaves , and of course that is very easily missed because it is the normal colouring of many varieties .
24 Conflicts abound because it is efficient , notwithstanding the undoubted economic benefits of specialization , to have one entity , either individual or corporate , undertake a number of potentially conflicting functions .
25 Yeah well Robert said why have we stopped so I said I think we 're looking because it 's a typical new house and daddy wants to see what typical new houses now offer .
26 ‘ The plant should be relocated because it 's in the wrong place , ’ Llew Smith , the local Euro-MP , told me .
27 Well , I 'd prefer him not to go into acting because it is such an insecure business .
28 The Secretary of State 's authority on this matter has been accepted , not out of docility or in the belief that the Secretary of State for Scotland is infallible in curriculum matters : it has been accepted because it is very obviously based on a clear national consensus .
29 All is extended , manifested , rolled out by the universal energy from the seeds of his idea deep in his existence ; but the spirit even though it takes up and enjoys her workings in this body of ours , is not affected by its mortality because it is eternal beyond birth and death , is not linked by the personalities which it assumes because it is the supreme self of all these personalities … ’
30 P. tomentosa is the commonly grown because it 's hardy .
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