Example sentences of "[verb] about [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Next to me , Richard Attenborough looks about as emotional as Anthony Blunt .
2 He looks about as friendly as an anaconda with belly-ache from too much goat-swallowing .
3 This is becoming about as routine as Cal Peete leading driving accuracy , which he did again this year , hitting 753 out of 900 .
4 It 's no business of mine to worry about how sick you are . ’
5 Thirteen years of Tory misrule have left the Right 's matrimonial affairs looking about as secure as a drunk on a unicycle .
6 This will bring about both inner and social conflicts .
7 To stare at an empty vastness would be dispiriting ; perhaps also it would bring about too great a sense of isolation .
8 The pre-season dispute over which contest — the Eddie Aikau or the Triple Crown — would have priority if the surf topped twenty feet at Waimea seemed about as relevant as an argument over how many angels you could fit on a pinhead .
9 The idea of a weekly stint as well as a monthly one for Options , a daily one home in Muswell Hill and a nightly one up the West End seemed about as feasible as Lech Walesa assuming the management of Stringfellows .
10 As the venue for the fifth international conference of the European Greens , the Cité , with its predications on a science-led industrialized society , seemed about as sympathetic a choice as the Chicago stockyards for a vegetarian convention .
11 Stuck in the middle of the Oxfordshire countryside with hundreds of noisy incomprehensible children and colleagues who make me feel about as comfortable as a walk in the rain .
12 It has been estimated that mild , self managed episodes may occur about twice weekly ; severe episodes without unconsciousness but requiring help from another person twice yearly ; and episodes of unconsciousness three times in 40 years .
13 Despite the fact that she sings about uniquely female experience , she denies having feminist leanings .
14 The Minister will remember that in Committee , he regularly boasted about how powerful a piece of legislation the Bill was — saying that it was the most far-reaching legislation in Europe , and so on .
15 What such critics for their part fail to realize is just how difficult scientific research actually is , how complex the testing of any even seemingly trivial hypothesis or hunch may be , and how many paradoxes and seeming mysteries we confront every day in our research which to us are at least as challenging as , but theoretically more relevant than , fretting about probably untestable phenomena like ESP .
16 Rises of 1p a pint seem about as likely as getting a full pint from a hand-pulled dispenser .
17 ‘ You seem about as forthcoming as she was , Mr Barnett .
18 At first sight , to write a book about democracy in the context of the contemporary West may look about as useful as writing a book about proper drainage , or a pure water supply .
19 But in front of its biggest audience — the match is a 7,100 sell-out — it will look about as inviting as the Addams Family to Ardiles .
20 Hunters often complain about how difficult it is to get a dead mountain goat down from a mountain — it simply will not slide easily across snow .
21 And if , one day , the pick-up does catch on over here with the vigour of Ray-Ban shades , Zippo lighters and Levi jeans , it will make the last great fashion car , the Golf GTi , look about as silly as velvet loon pants .
22 Although the interference pattern C and the single hump patterns of B look about as dissimilar from each other as one could imagine , there is in fact a hidden mathematical connection between them .
23 She then proceeds to whinge about how confusing it is that the Odeon Mezzanine , the Odeon Leicester Square and the Odeon West End are all situated within yards of each other .
24 The bag should be emptied before it gets about half full and this is achieved by turning the bag anti-clockwise so that the spout can be pulled out of the dust port .
25 These two teams had a remarkable Tournament , cool under pressure and eventually breaking about even right for the winners .
26 ‘ We achieved about as satisfactory a report as we could have hoped for and that has helped us enormously in developing the future of the organisation .
27 In fact , the idea would command about as big a majority as the one in 1990 that favoured membership of the ERM .
28 He seems about as straight-forward a citizen as ever foreclosed on a widow and fifteen orphans not a hint of creepy-crawliness no European connections , not even any gaps . ’
29 To encourage people to voyage into the psychic seems about as responsible as the Wright brothers taking day-trippers on their first ever flight — without parachutes !
30 Given that neither The Blue Aeroplanes nor Levitation have exactly torched the charts with tunes of fire , the chances of a group formed by ex-pats from both of said bands formulating an instant pop nirvana appears about as likely as Spurs winning the Premier League .
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