Example sentences of "[verb] in with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It also fits in with work being carried out at other research centres .
2 The deal fits in with Spring Ram 's belief that bedroom , dining and living room furniture is an important growth area .
3 The new X-terminal offers a large user memory of 30Mb , and fits in with Forefront , Hitachi 's heterogeneous systems integration schema announced in February .
4 Hardman signs in with salute from new boss
5 At school , aged fourteen , I was only just starting to trim the fur off my jaw while some of the Spanish or Arab boys would be tucking in with razor and foam .
6 Andrew watched Virginia peck daintily at her food , remembering how Topaz had tucked in with gusto at the inn where he and Timothy had taken her .
7 This is the site of old mill ponds and the northernmost pond in particular is being filled in with builder 's rubble and other material .
8 Of the pieces on offer at Christie 's the most important is a gold and Columbian emerald cross set with sixty-six stones with a highly distinctive engraved reverse which would once have been enamelled or possibly filled in with niello ( est. £150–200,000 ) .
9 Bremner once tried to rile an opponent by drawing attention to his pock-marked face by shouting ‘ Go and get it filled in with polyfilla ’ , but the crunch came when he was sent off in 1967 for fouling the Nottingham Forest keeper Grummitt .
10 In order to fall in with Stock Exchange requirements , Harvard introduced a wretched task for dealers , viz. the filling in of client profile cards .
11 There is some of her hair , you see , fastened in with gold … ’
12 Last season Lotto weighed in with club sponsorship with the Blues but from next season they will supply kits , boots and footballs as well .
13 But Martin Deery weighed in with number six in the closing minutes , fittingly being set up by club captain Clarke , who was brought on along with Holywood 's other French players to savour their historic championship moment .
14 Then her mouth drew in with disappointment .
15 Make a cylinder big enough for your child to stand in with comfort and cut out two eye holes .
16 It is a curious miscellany , where photographs of his early ballets are mixed in with family snap-shots , pictures of his friends , souvenirs of journeys , Christmas and other greetings , a book of clothing coupons from the days of rationing , costume drawings and various illustrations cut from magazines , including a feature on Roland Petit 's ballet Carmen and examples of the ‘ new look ’ in women 's clothes when long skirts came back to fashion for the first time since the war ; he proposed a ballet about that , but it was rejected .
17 Since Cisco first appeared in shops last year , local hospitals have reported an unusual number of teenagers ( who tend to like the relatively weak ‘ wine coolers ’ ) checking in with alcohol poisoning after drinking the stuff .
18 It does tie in with conservation .
19 They were saved only when riot police moved in with teargas .
20 Office workers and shoppers were evacuated from the area surrounding the Reject Shop in Cornmarket as police moved in with sniffer dogs .
21 All of them fit in with kitchen cabinetry and are suitable for sealed system central heating .
22 Erm I do recognise some faces , I know some of you recognise me and eh cos we 've done quite a lot of things together , but this afternoon what I 'm going to tell you about is how I fit in with Council , I do n't think any of you know that or know what the Local Government Unit is .
23 This theory of stages in understanding art is helpful , and it will immediately be realised that the first two stages fit in with description , the next two with interpretation , while the final stage is judgement .
24 A charity in Malvern funded their visit and slowly they fit in with school life — St Bede 's in Staffordshire took six Russian children .
25 A charity in Malvern funded their visit and slowly they fit in with school life- St Bede 's in Staffordshire took six Russian children .
26 It is highly relevant to ask what values have been measured for neutron star masses ; do they fall in with expectation ?
27 Sometimes agreement is apparent rather than real because of the tendency to conform and fall in with majority opinion .
28 Leslie was able to come to Wolverton Manor once or twice , and Wendy accommodatingly moved in with Charmian .
29 But here we could see for ourselves how timber-framed partition walls , filled in with brickwork , were used on the upper storeys over the larger rooms to ensure no weight pressed on their ceilings ; and how joiners had constructed the mahogany bookcases in the library .
30 Incised letters , filled in with gold , spelt out her name and dates .
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