Example sentences of "[verb] give [pers pn] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Reg Pybus , with his gun at my head , is always ready to stab me in the back though , and eighteen unlucky defeats has given him plenty of ammunition .
2 It has given me something to live for .
3 But he said : ‘ We 've had talks and Kevin Keegan has given me something to think about .
4 This week in bed has given me plenty of opportunity for thought or , to be more exact , time to dream — thought is too impressive a work .
5 He has given me nothing but total loyalty and respect at a time when I needed it most .
6 I am the Kha-Khan 's trusted servant , and he has given me everything I ever asked of him : this land in perpetuity , peace and security for our clan forever . ’
7 Prosodists should take it as a manifesto for investigating the links between those intuitions and the linguistic surface of texts , particularly at the phonetic level : rhythmic analysis still needs its empiricists , and Cureton has given them plenty of work to do .
8 Lawrence has given us something we could not easily get otherwise : he has given us thought spoken as language .
9 Mike has given us one which is I think an excellent one .
10 Want to give her something to talk about ? ’
11 He wants to give me two years , but the board only want to give me one .
12 Well Newcastle folk have been waiting a long time , and we all badly want to give them something to celebrate . ’
13 ‘ So it is , ’ she agreed , ‘ but before you go I want to give you something . ’
14 Whenever I smiled , he smiled back happily as if I 'd given him something .
15 He stopped bothering me , I 'd given him something more important to worry about .
16 ‘ It 's not that , ’ Fabia began , certain in her heart that she had now scuppered every last chance of that interview with Ven , but with Cara having more than enough to worry about with Barney still so poorly , not wanting to give her something else to be upset about .
17 Save give it somebody else .
18 Erm , it took , it took a week and a half before the fresh foods secretary even spoke to me when I went in this place to do the free appointment , nobody 's told me how I 'm doing , so then what 's the point of doing these things if nobody 's going give you anything , it 's just a waste of time ?
19 so I thought you 'll probably give him a bottle when you got here anyway , so I was going to give him one , it all depends when he got up and I thought you 'll probably give him one so I did n't
20 " Are you going to give me something or not ?
21 They go off whistling when it is obvious I 'm not going to give them anything .
22 Or they thought they were and the only people they 're going to get any more from is the parents , nowhere else , nobody else is going to give them anything I 've got no illusions about it , I do n't expect you to get anything from anywhere else , and I know that you , you would n't get anything from anywhere else because they , they 've cut it , they 've cut it to the bone and the only people that can afford to go now and to live in anything like
23 Because that , that 's going to give us something .
24 You do n't really want I 'm certainly not going to give you something you do n't want , so
25 I 'm twenty-one , I 've got three years here , I 'm going to give it everything .
26 At the back of his mind , he marvelled that Lorton had bothered to give him anything at all .
27 We should get Grant 's all ready because mummy forgot to give him one before he went to school .
28 ‘ Sir , ’ I said , ‘ I 'd like to give you something to thank you for your kindness to me since I arrived at the palace .
29 You 've got to give me something constructive to work on , ca n't you see that ? ’
30 You 've got to give me something to work with . ’
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