Example sentences of "[verb] now [is] that " in BNC.

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1 What I feel I know now is that God does n't intervene .
2 What matters now is that your make-up cares for your skin as well as colours it .
3 Maybe all that happens now is that you feel tired , but give it a year or two and — ’
4 We discussed preparation of the lines in Chapter Three , so all we want to emphasise now is that you remember to take a stake ( preferably fitted with a brightly coloured flag so that you do not lose it , or tread on it ) and that the line ends have swivel connections of adequate strength .
5 Well , I think we had much higher hopes before the Gulf crisis , I think what many people are saying now is that the peace dividend , the money that we could have saved by the end of the Cold War , will in fact , that peace dividend will be diluted by the Gulf .
6 The way I and others who witnessed the incident feel now is that Ian Woosnam 's game is well over par .
7 ‘ No , what I feel now is that everything has come to the hands of the people .
8 What I want to argue now is that there is a sense in which the symptom of this pessimism exist in the movement itself .
9 and I constantly wonder now is that Robin Harris speaking or is that Mrs Thatcher ?
10 The point I am making now is that , even if we look on the dark side and assume that individual man is fundamentally selfish , our conscious foresight — our capacity to simulate the future in imagination — could save us from the worst selfish excesses of the blind replicators .
11 What I want to say now is that you are my mum and you feel like my mum again .
12 The fear the Frickley colliers have now is that when their mine is privatised — and they are convinced that will happen soon , unless there is a change of Government — safety standards will fall .
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