Example sentences of "[verb] think we [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd thought we might safely have dinner here tonight .
2 ‘ We thought she 'd thought we 'd run him down , ’ Fernando laughed , throwing his head back and holding his forehead .
3 Anyway , Harry seemed to think we could manage . ’
4 ‘ Richard Ingrams seemed to think we must be ‘ pooves ’ because our hair touched our collars .
5 Julian : ‘ I 'd like to think we can get successful being the way we are , a gay man , a Welsh man and a Jewish man with no f—ing pretensions — our music is more interesting than other bands and we 're interesting people as well .
6 I 'd like to think we can have half a shandy together , someday .
7 Manufacturers seem to think we 'll put up with any old crap !
8 Well , they erm seem to think we should have had some yellow in it for some obscure reason to match the programme , but I do n't know , I thing it would have taken the erm the look off the thing .
9 I 'm really beginning to think we might make it . ’
10 ‘ I am beginning to think we should be using kayaks after all . ’
11 I 'm beginning to think we must give a very chilly welcome to visitors here .
12 The attitude of the companies is such that I want nothing to do with them ; I like to think we will survive without ruining the lives of the animals and destroying the land . ’
13 We all like to think we can do things and we can do things well .
14 Who would have thought we would be watching the Kirov ( as they used to be ) performing a pas de deux from Antony Tudor 's The Leaves are Fading ?
15 Mr Duckworth said : ‘ I hope outside shareholders think it is a good deal though one or two may have thought we should have waited . ’
16 If would have thought we should have had it two years ago , if we 'd got moving , but we have n't .
17 I would n't have thought we 'd need in this
18 Minister of Science William Waldegrave , may have released the first major UK government White Paper on science and technology for over 10 years yesterday , but information technology professionals need n't hold their breath : while Waldegrave seems to think we should count ourselves lucky because we 've got our own research council for the first time , it would be more truthful to say we 've been stuffed into the miscellaneous section of the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council , along with the electronic , electrical and communications industries ; our body , together with the Particle Physics and Sciences Research Council , will replace the Science and Engineering Research Council ; as a result , we will benefit ‘ from the same building of bridges between research bodies and industry ’ as the rest of the reorganised bodies and should experience interaction at an earlier stage — on the Japanese and German model .
19 But why he seems to think we should want to have anything to do with him and his fancy talk — that 's more than I can imagine .
20 like Alligator Gun for example I know is coming to the , to the Kings up the road here quite soon and then it 's going to Glasgow later on , and I keep thinking every time this sort of thing , thing 's happening I keep thinking we could be dealing with these
21 ‘ We tend to think we can do anything , ’ he said wryly , ‘ but we ca n't .
22 I do think we should encourage more from a very young age when children are in school so that
23 ‘ I really do think we should go now , Harry .
24 ‘ All that aside , ’ she said in a softer voice , ‘ I do think we should discuss his suggestion , Peter .
25 Anyway , I do think we should rethink the deep fat fryer .
26 Yes I do think we should , because er this is one of the most important pot potential areas of instability , these ethnic conflicts arising within Republic sort of broken away .
27 I do think we could have been ‘ sniffing ’ for the second ball better ( ie the cleared headers/knock downs ) .
28 ‘ Our young ones do n't seem to think we should be in mourning for my mother because she was glad to go , ’ said Julia .
29 But I never dared to think we should discover that we both felt the same way .
30 I had thought we might reach an early agreement on our target .
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