Example sentences of "[verb] think he [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd thought he might suddenly take off and run , but he seemed glued to the bench .
2 But he had not missed it as much as he 'd thought he might .
3 He 'd thought he 'd die himself , he said when they came to the white iron gate , he 'd thought he 'd die when he 'd heard the woman 's scream , sharp as a blade above the whine of the wind and the rain .
4 He 'd thought he 'd die himself , he said when they came to the white iron gate , he 'd thought he 'd die when he 'd heard the woman 's scream , sharp as a blade above the whine of the wind and the rain .
5 It did n't seem right , yet , looking at his face you 'd , she 'd thought he could have come home , but when you lifted the bloody sheets and then she 'd never seen anything like it , and then on the Monday morning , I stayed with him Sunday night and he were on morphine fusions and then on the Monday morning I woke up and mum had gone , when I looked at dad I thought to myself then I thought oh boy you ai n't gon na go now mum nipped home for a bath they said she could and it 'll be alright and they said
6 Now he would have even more cause to think he could use their past acquaintance as an excuse to be familiar with her .
7 He seemed to think he might feature in some pictures with a blonde girl .
8 He seemed to think he could carry her off like this , and get away with it .
9 He seemed to think he could walk in and out of her life at will , just as it suited him .
10 He seemed to think he should have a lot of attention . ’
11 Oh I 'd 've thought he would 've done .
12 ‘ I 'd 've thought he 'd 've talked to the gardeners . ’
13 He knew May was not unhappy , but he did n't like to think he may have bored her .
14 I think of Oreste day and night and weep to think he will be two years of age when this second child is born and of those two years I have had so little .
15 He began to think he could be doing more important things like writing to everyone in the country , asking if he was their son .
16 Richard would not budge an inch : I began to think he must be mad or wicked — or both .
17 But they had n't known that then , and if they had could not have known how much one day such postcards would have supported the story Adam was beginning to think he would tell .
18 Dear God , he was beginning to think he would be glad of it .
19 Eventually Emerson got past Regazzoni and then Peterson whose car was more like a wrestling opponent than a smooth machine But just as Fittipaldi was beginning to think he might be able to make up Ickx 's fifteen-second lead , his gearbox went off and caught fire and Emerson made a hasty emergency exit .
20 And in the end I felt he really was beginning to think he might do it for me .
21 He was beginning to think he could not bear to sell it .
22 I like to think he would wish me good luck in the future . ’
23 I like to think he will be forgotten as the belligerent sycophant of Fascism and remembered as what he was when I first knew him , in the years before our little war of 1914 , when he was trying to take London by storm .
24 I 'd have thought he might be impotent , ’ said Ian judiciously .
25 I would n't have thought he would have gone into the woods with Angela Brickell .
26 And who would have thought he would come home so early ? ’
27 With these achievements to his credit one would have thought he would have enjoyed the support of the Council , but it was not so .
28 I would n't have thought he would object , I mean we have used morris
29 I , I would have thought , personally , I would have thought he would at least have chosen one from Mission Praise for the benefit of the be for the people who , who like
30 well I mean I 'm not surprised they do n't wan na take a picture of our garden cos it 's a mess but er I 'd have thought he would have taken a picture of yours and sold you one .
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