Example sentences of "[verb] about her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It could be that I 've simply never felt strongly enough about anyone , ’ she cut in , instantly wishing the words unsaid as she realised how much they revealed about her feelings for him .
2 She tried to go about her tasks with the same thoroughness as before , but too often her mind strayed from what she was doing , and promotion became less and less likely .
3 Had he heard about her romance with Ian White , the junior registrar ?
4 He had fantasized about her death almost as much as he had fantasized about Elinor 's .
5 Despite her weightiness , Mrs Beavis got about her house like a two-year-old .
6 She shook her head to rearrange her disarrayed hair ; the golden tresses tumbling about her face and shoulders in glorious abandon made her look doubly desirable .
7 The other woman shook her head bemusedly , sending her tousled red curls tumbling about her face .
8 Rory shook her head , sending her long wheat-coloured curls tumbling about her face .
9 She did what she could with her tousled mass of auburn curls , but when she twisted it into its usual topknot the starkness of the style served only to emphasise the weariness in her wide-set eyes , and with a little mutter of disgust she let the curls fall again , tumbling about her shoulders in riotous abandon .
10 I 'M HERE , BOSS : Bryan 's assistant Julia goes about her work yesterday
11 He spoke so reasonably , so casually , that she could almost imagine he cared about her feelings .
12 He cared about her pleasure and she responded to him more strongly than she had with anyone .
13 Her hat lay beside her and she found that her piled-up fair hair had been released and had fallen about her face .
14 Martha clangs about her business , her hair dragged into a tight bun , a bustle behind her and keys at her waist .
15 I asked about her Home for Unmarried Mothers .
16 I asked about her work before she married .
17 I asked about her daughter and her son and husband .
18 He asked about her journey , and sitting beside him in the car she recounted the mix-up over the sleeper numbers , enjoying , still , hearing herself speak French .
19 As Claire was breast-feeding , her doctor asked about her diet and found that she was a vegetarian .
20 The old man asked about her job ; in exchange he told her a little about himself .
21 There was some long-time-not-see and he asked about her mother .
22 All the seas of the world tumbled about her heart .
23 Jenny was in her dressing-gown , her blonde hair tumbled about her face , which was bereft of make-up , the eyes puffy from weeping .
24 His arms around her , he began so gently that although McAllister was already feeling stifled , and the fear of men which had beset her for so long had begun to tighten its grip on her , she not only allowed him to kiss and fondle her face and neck , but let him undo her hair , so that it tumbled about her shoulders , as magnificent in its abandon as he had imagined it in the long nights when he had been unable to sleep .
25 ‘ That 's better , ’ he murmured approvingly as her gold curls tumbled about her shoulders .
26 ‘ Intelligence and understanding : basing my view on discussion with W. what I have gathered about her school performance , and the contents of her room ( books etc . ) ,
27 Freed hair fluttered about her eyes in soft , damp lashes .
28 In a moment , the huge greatcoat was placed about her shoulders , drowning her , and as he retrieved the lantern he began to scold .
29 There was this old lady comes towards me ; she was fussing about her luggage , that a porter was pushing behind her on a trolley .
30 ‘ She 's always fussing about her food , ’ said Camille .
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