Example sentences of "[verb] about and [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 ( For instance , librarians should know about and avoid the ‘ vanity ’ publishers — firms whose authors pay to have their works published . )
2 The Family Planning Association and the Health Education Council provide a free Family Planning Information Service FPIS to help people to know about and use the free National Health Service facilities .
3 A good interviewer will help you through the interview so that you concentrate on the areas she ? he needs to know about and do not ramble .
4 And just as those who are young feel the need to talk about and prepare for earlier important events , such as their wedding , or their children 's christenings , it is quite normal and not at all macabre for some old people to want to look ahead and plan for the ritual and display of family love and unity that will take place on the day of their departure from this world .
5 We have always loved to talk about and look at ourselves , as anyone who has watched or seen on TV home videos of family life can tell you .
6 It may seem at times that there is little common ground between the two generations , but if a parent is patient and ready to take an interest , and to listen as well as to give advice or pass criticism , there is plenty to talk about and share together .
7 And for that you 'll need to talk about and share your feelings .
8 The regional representative of Amnesty International , Peter Mills , will speak about and answer questions on the organisation and the work carried out by local groups .
9 LAW Know about and comply with the law
10 Know about and comply with the law
11 They said they had decided to stop counselling , because they felt they needed to think about and digest what they had talked about so far .
12 There will be many things for her to think about and remember , at a time when she may be feeling quite disturbed emotionally , and you can do much to ease the strain of it all for her .
13 We are told that ‘ in normal conversation , both in speaking and in listening , performers do not generally have time to think about and apply conscious grammatical rules ’ ( Krashen 1981 : 3 ) .
14 So that 's the first question for you to think about and reflect on .
15 ( 1 ) Why was not amplified vibration generally available to those few people who were likely to benefit ? ( 2 ) Was James Yates really the very first person in the world to think about and use it ?
16 Decide : 1 Which guideline did you follow most closely ? 2 Which guideline did you follow least successfully ? 3 Which guidelines do you need to think about and work at ?
17 Examination questions mostly required standard answers , and denied students the scope to think about and explore the wider social , political and ethical issues related to healthcare .
18 Erm , when you start One Two Three , if you get er , the menu at the top saying One Two Three , think about and translate or you just go straight into the spreadsheet , you do get the One Two Three
19 Such a model has been influential in the way we think about and respond to a variety of social problems but has been particularly significant in framing research , policy and practice in child abuse .
20 think about and discuss with young people the way in which medicines and prescribed drugs are used
21 If you think about and watch the settings of your child 's behaviour , it may be that he or she behaves in a non-compliant way , or has a tantrum on some occasions but not others ; that is , some situations seem to act as cues for him or her to behave in a particular way .
22 This is , without doubt , a book for professionals who are not only thinking about quality , but who want to instill a fundamental change in the way people think about and do their work .
23 situation they sort of they sit back they think about and assimilate it .
24 For a moment she was afraid that David was going to ask her what on earth she was talking about and tell her that she had completely misunderstood his elliptical declaration , but he did not .
25 ‘ They are dedicated people who clearly know what they are talking about and have guided us through it .
26 Go and look at the clock you are thinking about and see whether or not you were right .
27 ‘ I might do the tennis stuff for three or four years and decide I can do it sleepwalking and turn to something I really care about and like to pursue , which is politics . ’
28 The staff care about and enjoy their job .
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