Example sentences of "[verb] take [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 It was surprising the battle was won , for cultural and social symbolism has taken rather a knock in our rootless ‘ can-do ’ free market society .
2 This has taken either a commercial form , for example , the encouragement of better security for private housing , or a voluntary form , such as neighbourhood-watch schemes .
3 Someone who has taken only an option to buy has not ‘ bought or agreed to buy . ’
4 ‘ It has taken quite a large chunk out of our lives , ’ he said .
5 Your life has taken quite a different turn since then . ’
6 Although this consists of nine credits ( see page 5 ) , three are common to both preliminary awards , so the student would need to take just a further six credits to gain the more advanced award .
7 And so to standard two , where the That was th the next year , each class was expected to take about a year , which it did .
8 Clare told me he 'd taken rather a lot of convincing — once he 'd determined to do the slightly naff champagne-pyramid stunt in the first place — not to try doing it with proper champagne flutes but to use the perry glasses like everybody else did ; too tall , too unstable otherwise .
9 Add take away a negative number is the same as add the positive number .
10 The interesting one is when we 've got take away a minus three , that 's the same as add the positive three , add plus three .
11 Would you like to take effectively a three star , four star , one star er servicing ?
12 It 's just going to take rather a long time making them admit it . ’
13 I 'm afraid the Soviets are going to take rather a hard line with you now , Mr Holly .
14 So take away a positive I 'm going to take away a positive ten pounds away from you now .
15 The museums are going to take quite a lot of time .
16 You know this is going to take quite a bit of getting used to , ’ he complained .
17 As it is , it 's going to take quite a while — it 's so long and thick … and still beautiful , ’ he said huskily , ‘ even when it 's wet . ’
18 I realize , now that I think about it , that even our weekend walks in the countryside around London , with their characteristic mixture of dullness and reassurance , are going to take quite a lot of analysis .
19 I myself am going to take only a very few minutes that are left to me to comment on some of the points that were raised in the debate .
20 And I like to take quite a chunk of consolation from the fact they did nt beat us to the title … yet we beat them .
21 It must have taken quite a lot of pluck to walk along a path marked DANGER . ’
22 She came with me for no reason at all , whereas it would have taken quite a few other PCs to shift her .
23 Moeri 's original procedure , of adding the chemicals to the second vat , would however have taken only a few minutes and would have left the reaction in no condition to explode .
24 Although it may have taken only an instant , the person to whom this sentence refers had to make the logical jump from what he could see of the possible escape routes open to him to the realization that flight was impossible .
25 Susceptibility to the toxic effects of paracetamol taken in overdose differs between people , which may explain why some patients survive having taken large amounts of paracetamol while others die having taken only a few tablets more than the eight tablets ( 4 g ) a day recommended by the manufacturers .
26 ‘ Maintenance is calculated taking only a percentage of the housing costs the absent partner faces , ignoring the demands of their new partner and family . ’
27 It must 've taken quite a bit of courage for the girls to have kept their babies .
28 I only looked , I did take quickly a look at them but , you know I thought oh I ai n't got I did n't really have time to mess about for long you know .
29 Sorry to have taken rather a long time to reply but Andrew was in transit back to and around Italy .
30 School musicians are likely to have taken either a graduate course at university or music college , or a specialist music course during their teacher training .
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