Example sentences of "[verb] see from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now one of the things you might 've seen from the corporate briefings is you 've got the budget figure and a forecast figure .
2 The problem can be quite severe , er we 've had a number of penalties introduced by customs and excise over the last few years but what we 're going to see from the 1st April in this year is interest being charged on overdue moneys paid to customs and excise and also a penalty charged where people make a mistake on their VAT returns , even where they make those mistakes quite innocently .
3 They will have seen from the French try how even a moderate French team was able to launch Cabannes and Cécillon at our midfield and , once they had been committed , spread the ball for Saint-André to score a classic try .
4 As members will have seen from the local press , the committee decided to postpone the proposed trip to Llangollen on 13th July .
5 Message from , : As you will have seen from the Spring/Summer course form , we are offering a shorter course next year .
6 People who do n't know what they 're doing can kill birds of prey — their weight is very delicately balanced , as you 've seen from the trouble I had finding the right flying weight for Dawn .
7 As you 've seen from the erm discussion paper that we submitted sir , it 's our feeling that the most helpful way to proceed might be to add a new policy to the alteration .
8 Beside it on a table burned a candle , the source of the light they had seen from the garden .
9 Although they were looking at the clump of bushes from a different angle now , she knew it was the same clump they had seen from the gate .
10 He had seen from the Select Committee 's Report that Scott had studied the Greek and Italian styles as well as Gothic and , being ‘ a person of great talent ’ , he hoped he would put ‘ a more lively and enlightened front to his buildings ’ .
11 At every opening in the trees , across every glade , and beside every hidden pool , Marian looked to see that glint of white she had seen from the Ridgery ; it was never far from her mind .
12 Marian explained what she had seen from the Ridgery .
13 ( Mindful of what we had seen from the office , we volunteered as witnesses to the Board of Enquiry . )
14 Some of the former private enterprise managers ( notably E. H. E. Woodward on the Central Authority and Harry Randall at the London Board ) had seen from the beginning that proper decentralisation required that the Boards relate capital expenditure to revenue-earning potential in order to retain direct control of their financial viability ; and outside commentators were sometimes surprised that the Boards ' decisions on capital expenditure to meet statutory obligations were made quite separately from the revenue estimates which determined their profitability .
15 The room whose light Charles had seen from the front .
16 The settee he had seen from the window was against one wall and Alfred Glynn was lying on the floor in front of it , his body oddly contorted .
17 They had gone a long way without her even knowing it and they were riding beside the lake she had seen from the air .
18 That , as I had seen from the outside , was shrouded in green plastic , and , as all the windows seemed to have been boarded up , there was scarcely any light at all .
19 As we have seen from the blueprint of Mrs Thatcher 's Engine Room in table 1 , she now presides over some 160 of the hated things , though not , naturally , in the literal sense of chairing the lot .
20 We have seen from the illustration of the speech apparatus that there are various empty spaces in the system .
21 As we have seen from the above results many common language structures are domain-independent , and to provide comprehensive coverage of these a collocation dictionary must be based on as varied a corpus as possible .
22 As we have seen from the memories of two of the survivors , younger sisters not initially interested in the trade might end up following their sisters " example .
23 As we have seen from the chapters on health , education and other services , there are still many unsolved social problems and unmet needs for residential care , for housing , for better education facilities for children with special needs , for trained staff , etc .
24 The footage was all stuff you have seen from the 70 FA Cup , Burnley goals , etc .
25 We 'll move onto the accident books , any things , or any issues that anybody 's seen from the reports action ?
26 I presume it 's seen from the wards that are up behind looking down onto this courtyard .
27 I presume it 's seen from the wards that 're behind looking down into this courtyard .
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