Example sentences of "[verb] out at [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He would just have to walk , openly , away from the main body of the school , get downwind of Maisie , stalk her carefully , and , when they had reached the birch-trees on the other side of Cannizaro Road , creep up on her and leap out at her when she was n't looking .
2 Like a mugger you leap out at me from the dark , and my rights as a woman are violated by your obscene masculinity !
3 The pair looked like every motorist 's bad news — the guys who leap out at you at the lights and demand money for wiping a dirty rag over your windscreen .
4 The door opened a short way , and a small elderly lady with soft cotton-wool hair peered out at them .
5 A wee grey woman wearing a headscarf peered out at me from the end of the bus queue .
6 A judas hole slid back and a youthful face peered out at her .
7 A bleary eye peered out at him .
8 Maisie peered out at him suspiciously .
9 Next to the Gorgon are a winged horse and a youth , who again looks out at us .
10 Early in 1990 , the Mellors had major structural work carried out at their home because of subsidence .
11 This is not a guide as to when to call on expert medical advice which should always be determined by the condition of the patient and carried out at whatever stage you would normally call upon such help whether or not you are treating them with Homoeopathic remedies .
12 Simple tests to see that your baby 's sight is developing as it should be are carried out at her normal child health clinic checks , but a detailed examination by an eye specialist wo n't be given until a child is between three or four years old .
13 Environmental Audits Environmental audits are carried out at our operating sites to ensure compliance with all statutory requirements and operation in accordance with this policy 's objectives .
14 It was like the scene where Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid start to rob yet another ‘ easy ’ train , only to find an armed and mounted posse leaping out at them .
15 And she was bound to confess that the Larks had always made her nervous , that she had always dreaded her visits to their crumbling , chaotic , downright shabby ancestral home , with dogs leaping out at one from every chair and all those things they kept on shooting — pheasant , partridge , grouse , poor little scrawny things — hanging up to rot simply everywhere .
16 ‘ You should have been there when that woman came leaping out at me .
17 I would have been very concerned that some great big hairy bouncer would come leaping out at me !
18 Twice Michael had lashed out at him and hurt him , only to be contrite and loving in the next breath .
19 Incensed , Maria flung up her head , choking on rage , and but for her fear of any physical contact between them , she might have lashed out at him .
20 It amazed her , as she stared down at her right hand , that , while loving Naylor with every part of her being , she could have lashed out at him so violently .
21 The dog was whining and wanting out at you . ’
22 This generally took place at Easter preceded by confession , often in public , in which the social duty of making restitution for sin was stressed ; it might be succeeded by a parish party which played out at its own level the eternal being of love celebrated in the Mass .
23 A man had a got killed , and there was a man named out at he lost one eye .
24 THE Philippine President , Mrs Corazon Aquino , lashed out at her enemies and mobilised popular support behind her beleaguered government yesterday at a rally attended by thousands of Filipinos .
25 President Corazon Aquino of the Philippines lashed out at her enemies and mobilised popular support behind her beleaguered government during a rally attended by thousands of Filipinos .
26 It lashed out at its non-existent attacker , groping through the plaster-dust with encrusted , mutated talons .
27 He stopped and gritted his teeth as Kragan lashed out at him , punching him sharply in the ribs .
28 And although the Robemaker lashed out at him from time to time with the thin , cruel rope-lights , he managed not to flinch .
29 Her hand shot up , lashed out at him , and this time she made contact .
30 Despairing and anguished , she lashed out at him and he caught her arm in a punishing grip .
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