Example sentences of "[verb] make [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This page enables you to view what assessment , if any , the specified user has made for this DC .
2 Annual data on the social class origin of births , routinely available since 1970 , have highlighted a startling shift in the relative contribution which each social class has made to each birth cohort and therefore to each future generation ( table 4.12 ) .
3 Many generous and warm tributes have been paid to my right hon. Friend the Member for Worcester ( Mr. Walker ) for not only his speech but the massive contribution that he has made to this Parliament and our country during the last generation .
4 As a demob-happy Member of the House , may I ask the Secretary of State whether he realises the absolute shambles that he has made of Territorial Army recruitment ?
5 take proceedings at its own expense and for its own benefit , but in your name , or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy , to recover any payment it has made under this policy
6 take proceedings at its own expense and for its own benefit , but in your name , or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy , to recover any payment it has made under this policy
7 No one can point to a particular warhead that the US has made from British plutonium .
8 The V8 contains every engineering innovation Audi has made in that time : four-wheel drive , Procon-Ten , galvanised bodywork , flush glass , multi-valve combustion and an exhaust catalyst .
9 These substantial resources will enable the executive to continue the progress that it has made in recent years in improving housing conditions in Northern Ireland .
10 Coming on top of a worryingly high inflation rate and a sequence of record-breaking trade deficits , Labour will be working hard to demonstrate that ordinary people are paying dearly for mistakes which the once super-abundantly confident Chancellor has made in economic management .
11 In deciding how much profit he wants to make on each item , and how much to mark up his prices , the retailer needs to consider many of the factors we looked at in Section 7 — the socioeconomics of the area , the needs of the typical customer , the competition , and so on .
12 One of the many caveats I want to make about these still-experimental calculations is that they are not typical at all socio-economic levels .
13 The point we want to make for immediate purposes has to do with the way in which methodological problems arise from particular conceptions of the " order of things " .
14 Now , the final point I want to make in this little section , and I think Liz is going to help me make this point , and that is that one of your problems , which is not a big problem compared with some organizations , is you 've got to take what you 're doing , and repackage it in such way that it is of interest to ordinary people .
15 The soldier cell is programmed to make up 1000s of new HIV particles .
16 Can I pick up on a point that you 've just made Mr Sedgewick and also points made by those on your right about exceptions and presumptions .
17 Think it was with a bit of Ellie 's assistance that it got made like that .
18 Now that the little spot of reality I 'd made in this mean city has been so lightly abandoned by those I 'd thought it would be safe with — but you wo n't catch me compromising with the lackeys .
19 In these circumstances , it is , in my judgment , impossible to regard the arrangements which Twogates made on 19 October 1984 as amounting to a re-entry under the … lease .
20 The on-screen couple , quietly glowing with beauty and amusement — they seemed made for each other ; but after various misunderstandings and adventures they ended up going their separate ways .
21 The girl 's head was swaddled in dressing made from torn sheeting .
22 They hope to make between 10,000 and 100,000 chips a year using the equipment .
23 Erm I do n't think I have been down to that I think I 've sh erm wired the whole damn out of my mind because er it 's a long time since I heard such garbage in this chamber , it 's fortunate for us Chairman that Mr is n't a member of the Environment Committee because if that 's the kind of contribution that he 's prepared to make on these occasions we would could well do without it .
24 In a joint programme organised by Edinburgh District Council and Lothian Regional Council , older people living in Edinburgh will have the opportunity to say what improvements they would like made to local services .
25 So , what are you going to make of all this ?
26 But , really , what 's Rose going to make of this ?
27 we 've come , we 've had to make at previous meetings , Chairman , about the er , about the fall off we 've had in demand for the small units there now .
28 ‘ I view with very much concern the comments I have had to make in this inquest . ’
29 This was a declaration of sorts , however lightly made , and one which Dr Neil had not thought to make to any woman in any form , and before Sally-Anne could take in its full meaning he rapidly continued , ‘ And now let us stop providing entertainment for the passers-by .
30 It was finally out , the declaration which he had never thought to make to any woman , after Angela , but the huddled figure on the sofa was not placated .
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