Example sentences of "[verb] so [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Further anecdotes on the fame of Champagne wines in the fourteenth century are told by Max Sutaine in his Essai sur l'histoire des vins de la Champagne ( 1845 ) ; in particular he relates how , when the German king Wenceslas arrived in Reims in 1397 to discuss with Charles VI the division within the church over the popes of Avignon ( a subject Henry Vizetelly describes in A History of Champagne ( 1882 ) as ‘ very fit for a drunkard and a madman to put their heads together about ’ ) he became so intoxicated on the local wines that he signed all the documents before him , departing without knowing what he had signed .
2 Beware of becoming so fixated on this one position that you acquire a mental block against progressing further .
3 Yes I hope so appeared to be .
4 It is not up to us to forget or forgive the crime that Germany committed only a few decades ago ; the only ones who might have done so died on the battlefield or , worse yet , in the gas chambers .
5 It 's also ironic , I guess , that as our hired mini-bus travels through Harlem , the Belfast-bred trio should feel so intimidated by the possibility of violence .
6 Why did he always feel so intimidated by Viola Machin ?
7 However , occasionally , very occasionally , a horse will become so fixated on its owner , so dependent on their approval , that it will be unobliging and uncooperative with other people .
8 It 's no good just using simple words to describe each step in that argument , if the whole argument gets so convoluted by the time you finish the listener thought , ‘ Well , I understood the bits , but I did n't understand the whole . ’
9 Lab work , for example , was a matter of getting the ‘ right ’ answer ; failure to do so resulted in loss of marks .
10 Maria shivered and , moving closer to Luke to make room for the couple , she touched his wrist lightly with her fingers , unsure if the impulse to do so sprang from an urge to seek reassurance , or to give it .
11 Not to do so amounted to a dereliction of duty in the same way that Callaghan 's statement misunderstood the political content of media imagery .
12 Some researchers had become so daunted by the devious nature of the virus , which can hide within the cells of the body , that they felt a vaccine would be impossible .
13 In some areas of Britain local voluntary organizations , or perhaps one of the arms of the public sector services , have become so disheartened by the lack of commitment and enthusiasm on the part of local psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses for developing a new style of service away from their traditional hospital base that they have decided to go ahead and develop a new service without any support from the consultants and hospital staff .
14 We have become so habituated to market relations that it can seem merely banal to observe that types of work which make a loss will , within market production , be reduced or discontinued , while types which make a profit will be expanded .
15 The potential benefits from doing so lay behind some ( but not all ) of the takeovers and LBOs of the 1980s .
16 I he opportunity for doing so arose in the Middle East .
17 A headmistress in 1946 said that same thing at greater length , but in doing so collapsed into meaninglessness : In my opinion , such a school should not be an imitation of the old Secondary School ( that is , of the grammar school ) …
18 Nobody who read the Bible could legitimately doubt that miracles had once occurred ; the question whether they still did so became for doubters a test of their faith .
19 The Divisional Court upheld the scheme adopted by the GLC but the ground on which they did so seemed to be no more than that ‘ since the LTE could exercise its function to balance its revenue account by a grant from the GLC , a policy that reduced fares by means of such a grant was not unlawful ’ .
20 But it is important not to become so mesmerized by them as to lose sight of the underlying social processes .
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