Example sentences of "[verb] get here is " in BNC.

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1 Now , what we 've got here is a lump of wood roughly the same shape trying to be a cricket bat , and if you hit a ball with it , the ball will travel about ten feet and you will drop the bat and dance about shouting ‘ Ouch ! ’ with your hands stuck into your armpits .
2 So , essentially , what we 've got here is a ‘ 59-style rosewood-board Stratocaster — not a Custom Shop model , but from the same line as the Strat Plus and the Clapton Strat .
3 The only thing we 've got here is the DNA of the murderer .
4 Now what you 've got here is Y equals U to the power five .
5 But you see what we 've got here is this problem of the old definition of quality , still lurking there in the mind , quality is a degree of excellence , therefore you have high quality and low quality .
6 Effectively what we 've got here is the mechanism whereby the client requirements are sent to the people who are actually going to do the job on the drawing board .
7 Effectively , what we 've got here is a similar internal message .
8 What it does is talk about psychological agencies , so what we 've got here is two overlapping er models of the mind if you like , but they 're somewhat different models .
9 What I 've got here is a time series of potato yields over time .
10 That 's right , all we 've got here is that although there , there is a high degree of migration , the wage differentials are not er diminishing because we do n't have perfectly mobile resources , like are theory tells us that we do have .
11 What we 've got here is , you know what forty five is , you do n't need to do forty five divided by
12 What we 've got here is a very conventional piece of logic that implements what I 've talked about .
13 Um it 's interesting that when you look at people who have abused children they often will say things not only about the willingness of their victims , in inverted commas , but also about the fact oh she never said no , erm as the title of this magazine article I 've got here is .
14 So what we 've got here is we 've got the integral of some function of X
15 So the problem we 've got here is that we 've X squared D Y by D X equals X squared so somewhere up here we had Y equals what ?
16 When , when erm Phil has had is training tomorrow , he will become an expert amongst us and will erm put my rather partial knowledge into the into the shade , but basically what I 've got here is a blank form for everybody to fill in — a job description questionnaire — together with job description guide notes , which should go together .
17 Mr Clarke said : ‘ What we have got here is the legislation we require .
18 So what you have got here is an a blocked up window an inserted doorway and a plastered surface .
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