Example sentences of "[verb] if i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 At last the shops opened and like a kid with a tanner , I hunted and sniffed and tasted and tried , imagining what I 'd buy if I had all the money in the world .
2 I must also apologize if I seemed to be trying to put you off them .
3 I must apologize if I gave the impression of trying to keep these from you , as you ( perhaps jokingly ) suggested .
4 ‘ Miguel , I apologise if I said anything unflattering about you .
5 I apologise if I did not make myself clear .
6 I do n't know if I saw , or that one .
7 I do n't know if I passed her in the street
8 Do you know if I ate a strawberry one yet ?
9 Erm I do n't know if I told you before , I hated any sort of games .
10 I do n't know if I told you that we have acquired another cat ?
11 Well I , what I did n't tell you was I do n't know if I told Sandra did I ?
12 Erm I do n't know if I said this already , in this interview , but there does seem at the moment to be a general air of , of people waiting to move .
13 I tried phoning you this lunchtime to ask about the above proposal , but I do n't even know if I had the right number , though I got through to it twice ; about five different people spoke to me uncomprehendingly , and eventually a man came to the phone and said ‘ Bratislava ’ ; I did n't know whether that meant I 'd got a Bratislava number , or that you 'd gone to Bratislava .
14 I do n't know if I had them or not
15 But I did n't know if I 'd done something wrong when I was taken away from my mother . ’
16 I did n't know if I 'd covered all these
17 Well do you know if I 'd thought about it
18 Erm I do n't know if I gave you , and if I did n't I need to , the things that I 've called recordings logs , that are different than meeting logs .
19 Yes erm I do n't know if I mentioned you a question properly er right there were young lads in there they be young lads in that lodge do this and they jump up and they make a decision quickly .
20 I do n't know if I did the right thing , either .
21 I do n't know if I did it for Dad or Dad did it for me .
22 He had wanted to know if I knew a good cardiologist , because he had a granddaughter with a rare heart condition who needed an operation , or else in a year 's time she would have died .
23 He wanted to know if I knew this George Paston .
24 I was earning £18 a week at the time and Caroline 's father , a twinkle in his eye , wanted to know if I thought that was enough to live on .
25 ‘ Mary wanted to know if I planned to marry you .
26 She said to Rourke , ‘ You wanted to know if I 'd lent out keys to anyone — the telephone engineer , you said , and the man who came to see to the new extension around the back . ’
27 He wanted to know if I minded being illegitimate … ’
28 As a practising manager scanning and trying to make sense of the environment surrounding my particular enterprise , I came , too , to experience a high degree of frustration with , and scepticism about , the very notion of scanning ; and great concern as to the bias that I might introduce if I tried to communicate my conclusions to others !
29 ‘ Dad , would you object if I tried to find Elaine ?
30 I want to look dark and menacing ; the way I ought to look , the way I should look , the way I might have looked if I had n't had my little accident .
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